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𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖙 |𝖆𝖉𝖏| 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖞

Blood. That's all he could smell. It was rather horrid, really. No matter how much he killed, it didn't change the smell. It got easier to kill, sure, but the smell never changed.

"Overkill much, Felimid?"

The man says nothing, accepting the bag of coins in the other man's hand. He pocketed it, "You need it cleaned up?"

"No," the man chuckles, "I want the family to come back and know I mean business..."

Felimid hated the people like this, but in the end the money was all he was in it for. The dark brunette nods, "I hope to never see you around."

The other nods, "Wise words as always. You shouldn't see me in a few years. Hopefully."

Leaving the way he came, the man is quick to escape the scene. Jumping on the roofs of the houses within the kingdom was easy, a task he learned when he was a young lad.

His leg twists a little on one of the ledges but it doesn't hurt as much anymore. He's so used to it. It did make him stop and look at the scenery around him though.

The moon was out and it seemed to directly shine on him, as if a spotlight was on him. Felimid could only sigh and jump to the next roof. There was no room in his life for the 'simple pleasures' others called it.

Until he knew he and his sister would be okay, he wasn't ready to settle down. Not yet at least. Another jump sent him closer and closer to his home.

"Felimid? Is that you, brother?"

The man quickly throws his equipment into his closet and turns to his sister, "It is. Sorry if I woke you, Dahlia."

She walks into his room and leans against the wooden post, "You didn't. I was up anyway finishing hanging my clothes up."

"At this hour?" the older brother chuckles, "You have to get used to doing things earlier, dear sister."

"I worked down at the tavern today, Felimid. I didn't have the time."

He sighs, following her into the kitchen, "You know how I feel about you working there-"

Dahlia sighs, "Felimid," he looks to her, worry plastered on his face, "I'll be fine. I have friends who work there. I wouldn't get into it if I didn't know what I was capable of..."

The eldest nods, "I know. I know. Doesn't make me like the man in charge there any more than i already do. I'm your brother. Mother told me I had to protect-"


She laughs at him as he sits at the table, "Mother was amazing. And I miss her constantly. But I'm older now. I love you dearly but I won't always need your help."

It stung a little but he knew it was the truth, "Someone has to pay for the house..."

She can only shake her head, "I'm going to bed. I have to work tomorrow morning."

Moving around the table, she gives him a hug and makes her way back to her room. The house was small. He could see her close the door a few feet away from him. A sigh escapes his mouth, "Goodnight then..."

Even though he's done this job for years, the sudden bombardment of sleep always surprises him. He's out seconds after he blows out the candles.

Waking up was either the best or worst experience for Felimid. He was either woken by his sister slapping him awake or by the natural light through the window. Luckily it was the sun this time.

Ruler of Angels | The Royal Legacies SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now