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𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖚𝖑𝖙 |𝖓| 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖋𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖗 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗

It was cold. The air had turned bitter since the night before. A sharp pain jolted up Felimid's neck as he sat up. He was still in the training yard. The man didn't even remember falling asleep here.

Shaking his feet, the feeling starts to return to them. When he stands he almost stumbles over but catches himself on the shelf to his right. It felt like little pins and needles were stabbing at his feet.

It takes a minute but soon enough he's able to walk straight again. Walking towards the castle, he sighs when he hears the normal commotion of the people within the kingdom.

Entering the large cobblestone building, he's automatically met with the usual routines of those around him. Maids bow and guards nod to him as they pass. His room is the first thing on his mind.

Rounding the corner, he sees people outside of his room, "Something wrong?"

They all turn to him and the faces of his friends appear, "Felimid!"

Vaeril comes over first, "Where did you go?"

He moves out of the king's grasp, anger still bubbling within him, "I went to the training yard. I must have fallen asleep out there."

The king groans, "That's dangerous! Do you know we've been looking for you all morning?"

"Didn't think you'd care." Sudden malice laces his words as he speaks to the king, "I'm fine. I wish to change and get out of these clothes if you don't mind..."

He smiles at the others but pays no attention to the king who looks just as confused as he did when the first altercation between them happened.

"What's gotten into him?"

Thronal opens his mouth but closes it again, "I don't even know how to explain it to you."

"Okay. I have to meet Ezel again in a bit, please contact me when he's out, will you?"

The advisor nods and motions for the king to leave. Morian looks at his friend and sighs, "Does he truly not remember?"

"I have no idea, Morian. I know, Vaeril. And I can tell he's not lying. I'm just unsure how."

Looking back to Felimid's room then back to the advisor, the prince nods and leaves the hall to head off to some business that needs attending too. Thronal sighs and goes to make himself busy.

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"Yes, master?"

"Is it working?"

"Splendidly, sir."

"You sure no one can see me?"

The man's face weaves through the magic projection. The light emanates from the book below him. It's open and the words are illuminating the scene.

"Of course, sir. No one comes into this part of the treasury. It's like my office."

The magic fades for a moment then comes back, "Seems it's telling us our time is coming to an end."

Ezel nods and picks up his papers, "Same time tomorrow?"

"Tell me the details of the spell tomorrow. Try it again on the king, will you?"

The royal treasurer nods, "It's rather odd..."

His face wavers once more, "He's only mean to one person."

That piques the man's interest, "Well this potion is to turn friends against their family. And in some cases against the one they love."

Ruler of Angels | The Royal Legacies SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now