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A/N: Love you! Lookin snazzy today! 

The trunk of the van shuts with a loud bang, followed by a soft click to signal that it had been successfully closed. Smiling at the personal assistant that had been assigned to her for this particular trip, Ana warmly says while bowing her head, "Thank you! Thank you so, so much! You'll be helping me all week! Nice to meet you, I'm Ana!"

Returning the bow, the starting-to-grey man fit in a formal suit smiles back, "No problem, Ma'am. My name is Charles. I was temporarily transferred over from your father's side to you. Your father often speaks of you. His favorite thing to mention is how you were the valedictorian of your high school."

Taken aback, Ana frowns, taking a step back and placing a hand on her hip. She asks, "Really?"

Charles's wrinkles around his eyes become more prominent as he smiles wider, happy to be with his boss's daughter who he had been told about many times. "Of course Ma'am. He has multiple pictures of you and your sister hanging around his office."

"Oh. Well, I certainly didn't know that. Thank you, Charles." With this new information, which Ana doesn't know what to do with, she shrugs it off.

It was Charles's turn to frown, softly asking, "Your father does not speak to you? How strange. I dare not assume his feelings, but-" He leans in closer to Ana, covering his mouth and whispering, "-he seems to miss you and your sister. He often tells me the same stories of you and Hayley that happened during your childhood."

Charles returns to standing straight, his posture reflective of his many years of experience and training. "Excuse my blabbering mouth, but let's get going. I would hate to pick up your friend late. Right this way."

He directs Ana into the car, opening the door. He holds a hand over her head as she enters in order to avoid her from bumping her head on the top of the car. After she was safely seated in her respective seat, Charles crooned, "You must use your seatbelt, Ma'am."

"Of course, thank you, Charles." As the caring older man said, she uses her seatbelt, the click being a satisfying sound to her ears. Her door shuts, and the personal assistant or butler as some may say, hustles over to the driver's seat, quickly jumping in to get the show on the road.

The car's engine rumbles, springing to life. Ana looks out the window to see the world slowly pass by, her house soon unable to be seen. Noticing Charles's painfully curious eyes keep flickering to the rearview mirror, Ana hums, wordlessly asking for him to speak his truth.

Eyes now placed firmly on the street, Charles voiced, "My apologies. Would you grant me a question?"

A small smile spreading on her face, Ana warmly agrees, "Of course! Ask as many questions as you wish!"

"Thank you. You are not obliged to answer my questions, as they are slightly more personal." Ana nods, letting him blurt it out. "Is this man we are driving to collect, someone who is romantically connected to you?"

Ana's face is enveloped into a blanket of red, she stutters before ultimately confessing in a small, shaking voice, "Well I- Um, I- Let's put it at, I am open to the idea of engaging in a romantic relationship with this man. But for now, we are just friends."

Chuckling, Charles chortles, "Young love. How precious. I hope you don't take my words the wrong way, but this young man would be a fool if they didn't keep you and cherish you till his last breath. You are a lady of high status in this city, thanks to your father's hard work. Not many are able to compare to you."

"Thank you, Charles! You're incredibly sweet to me." Ana's chest warms to his words, welcoming the genuine confidence boost.

Charles chimes, "I would never lie to the lady. Also, our detour to your friend's place of residence has been completed. To your right is his apartment complex."

Looking to her right she sees the tall lanky brunette leaning on a suitcase with a duffel bag resting on top of it, eyes glued onto his phone. Feeling her chest tighten and a wide smile infects her face, she giddily whips out her phone. She quickly navigates to the camera app, snapping an Instagram-worthy picture of him, and sending it off into the DMS she shared with Techno.

It takes a few seconds before Techno's head comically snaps up, his eyes frantically searching for the photographer's hiding place. Ana unbuckles her seatbelt, scooting over to the other side of the car, pressing the button to roll down the window. She waves in his direction, Techno then spotting her. He gets moving, pulling his luggage across the street. Before he could reach the side of the van, Charles is already out, awaiting him.

Charles performs his duties, quickly snatching Techno's luggage from his hand before he can retaliate. Quietly and speedily loading it into the trunk, he then guides Techno to the side right of Ana, opening the door.

"Um, thank you? I guess? Wow, uh." Techno stammers, not used to having someone forcibly help him do things. He awkwardly gets into the car, eyes wide, he looks at Ana before looking back to the front. Body tense, and back not resting on the seat, he wipes his hands on his pants.

"Hello, Techno." Ana cooly greets him, smiling.

With the same dazed look, he robotically turns his head to face her. "Oh. Hey. Is this guy your like, butler?" He points at Charles as if he were an alien.

Ana laughs, Charles then chuckles, interjecting. "I was hired under the title of a personal assistant. Though it would not be too outlandish of a comparison. We both provide services to the family who hires us. A butler is more for working in the home, while I'm more suited for business-related jobs. My name is Charles, nice to meet you."

Humming in acknowledgment, Techno nods, relaxing as he absorbs the new information. "Nice to meet you too Charles, I'm Techno. Fun fact, there's an academy for learning the skills to be a butler."

Excitedly speaking, Ana cuts in, "My father transferred him from his side to mine, just for this trip! He'll be helping us out all week!"

"Oh. How nice of your father. Thank you, Charles."

The car is on the road, Charles being a safe and reliable driver. He stays quiet, actively monitoring the streets and tuning out Techno and Ana's hushed chatter in the back.

Ana quietly beams, "You'll love it at my aunt and uncle's estate. It's truly beautiful. I can not thank you enough for coming with me this year! I usually go every year with my sister, it would've been a shame if I were to come without someone."

Releasing a short laugh, he responds, "I believe that I should be the one thanking you for letting me tag along."

"Of course, I will see to it that we thoroughly enjoy this experience together."

A/N: stan charles

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