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Charles long forgotten, Aunt Liz wildly waves to Techno, yelling. "Get up here! Hurry!"

"Uh, okay." He awkwardly shrugs, trying his best to make his way up the stairs. When he finally takes the last step and is able to catch his breath, he tries his best to not look like a fish out of water. "Sorry, I'm a Minecraft YouTuber."

In a playful manner, Ana rolls her eyes, "We can tell."

Aunt Elizabeth laughs heartily, "Oh, it's fine. He'll certainly gain a few muscles from the number of stairs in this dang house. I've been considering installing a few elevators but I don't want to ruin the architecture, you know?"

Ana nods, "Try installing some ziplines, I guess. Channel your inner monkey."

Serious contemplation crosses the young aunt's face, as she slowly nods. "Okay anyway, come here!"

She ushers the two to follow her and walks back into the double doors which she had originally entered from, going down a well lit hall, then turning to meet a living room of sorts. A group of neatly set, wrapped gifts sits on a glass coffee table. They're of various sizes, wrapped in uniformly silver paper.

Gesturing to the two couches facing each other with the coffee table sitting in the middle, Aunt Elizabeth politely asks them to sit through hand motions. Both Ana and Techno automatically accept, moving to the same couch. They sit next to each other, but with an awkward middle seat empty. The Aunt then sits on the other couch, grabbing a smaller rectangle gift.

"If I'm not wrong, this one should suit Ana quite well." She tosses it to Ana, which she easily catches.

Ana is quick in efficiently ripping open the wrapping, trying her best to not make a mess. She's grinning, excited like a child on Christmas morning. Soon enough, she's presented with a long box housing an elegantly minimalist-styled silver necklace. The tiny diamonds embedded in the pristine silver sparkle in the light, causing Ana to gasp in adoration.

"It's so pretty! Look at the way it shines! Thank you!" Ana happily exclaims, bouncing up and down. She then pushes the box toward Techno, wanting to show her gift to him.

Unable to resist, a small smile breaks out on Techno's face. He, like others, is not resistant to the urge to smile at the sight of the joy in others. His eyes waft over onto her face, memorizing every movement she makes as she excitedly talks and grins widely.

"It's certainly beautiful." It's hard to tell what he was describing.

The clap of Aunt Elizabeth garners the attention of both Ana and Techno. She picks up a generously sized rectangle gift, standing up to pass to Techno.

"Oh, oh. Thank you." Off guard and clearly uncomfortable, he accepts with two hands and a slight nod. The box is heavy, so he sets it onto his lap and leans forward. He anxiously opens it, cringing at the loud noises the wrapping paper makes when being ripped. He's then presented with a wooden box with a small knob keeping it closed.

Aunt Liz encourages him to go on, "Twist the knob thing, tell me if you like it!"

He manages to open the box with fumbling fingers, under massive pressure from the expecting eyes. Finally, he lifts the tops of the box and is met with a fancy silver and golden calligraphy pen. He's able to see his reflection off the surface, seeing the tired eyes and messy hair he possessed. The pen comes with two bottles of black ink, sitting in indented holes perfectly suited for the products.

"Oh god, this is a bit too expensive for me, you can keep it." He gets up to hand the box back, carefully closing it.

Aunt Liz instantly gasps, placing a hand on her heart. "God forbid, no. I can already see that Ana might marry you, so I need to immediately start spoiling you."

"Heh? I don't think so, in all due respect. We're friends currently." Techno sits back down, red engulfing his and Ana's faces.

Ana becomes flustered, seen in her shift in face color and stutters in her voice. "Aunty! Don't be like that!"

In response to the two flustered young adults, Aunt Liz laughs, waving them off. "I have the best eyes for aspiring love birds. I can already see it! Your Aunt is never wrong. Trust my word. Give it a try, he's already here!"

"Jesus Christ, Aunty." Ana whines, pouting.

Raising her hands up in the air in mock surrender, Aunt Lizzy laughs, "Fine, fine. Here I'll give you guys the next gifts." She reaches for two identical small squared boxes. She passes it to both of them, which they politely accept and say a thank you.

They're both greeted with a silver ring, and when they push their gift to the other in order to let the other see, they're quick to realize they were matching rings. They're simple, with a small part being twisted.

Ana pouts, "Aww, that's so cute! Now we can match!"

"This might be able to pay most of my rent." Techno flatly says, but is appreciative, and impressed.

The ring fits comfortably on Ana's ring finger, while Techno's is only able to fit on his pinky finger. Ana grabs his hand with the ring on it, pressing her hand onto his. "Look! Doesn't that look so cute?"

"Yea now you can get married." Aunt Elizabeth throws in.

"Come on now." Ana responds with a frown.

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