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A/N: Working is not fun, but you're funny, you have great humor!

Revolution, Chapter 22

"The dinner went better than I expected it to. I only embarrassed myself thrice. I'd say it's a new record for me!" Techno says as he leisurely walks by Ana's side, and down a well-lit hallway.

Ana softly giggles at his comment. "You did great! I mean, you are certainly walking next to me, breathing, moving, and most importantly, alive!" Ana exclaims, her eyes happily wide and attentive, looking up at Techno.

Techno lightheartedly responds in a flat tone, "Who told you that I was alive? They are spreading false information. Many times in history, the spread of false information was what caused many conflicts, on a wide scale of severity. From wars to the breaking of relationships." He puts his left hand into his pocket, his shoulders slumping down to suit his flat tone.

"Well then, we must find the truth. Answer me with the utmost honesty." Ana stops in her tracks to turn her body to face Techno's. He follows suit. "You may not lie. The world depends on this answer."

"Mhm. I accept your conditions." Techno responds, a playful smile gracing his lips, and slightly curving his tired eyes up.

Ana nods, karate-chopping her palm to every syllable. "Are. You. A." She whispers, "ghost...?"

Before Techno could open his mouth in order to deliver a sassy reply, a bang is heard down the hall, towards the end of it. A weak wail is heard in the distance. Both Ana and Techno's head whips toward the noises. Their eyes are wide, hearts hammering in their chests.

Techno's knees suddenly lock, rooting him into the floor. Too terrified to even breathe, he's as still as stone. Opposite of him, Ana is also terrified but takes off running. She then notices that Techno wasn't following her, causing her to stop in her tracks, and run back.

Ana loudly yells, "Get the fuck over here!". She grabs onto his arm, trying her best to lug the mentally and physically inactive man along with her. His legs stumble to follow her, but his eyes are glued wide. He quietly whimpers, terrified even with his large male build being much larger in comparison to the woman dragging him.

Techno in his fear-clogged mind is too weak to resist, but he quietly whimpers, "Please don't make me go."

In response to his quiet request, Ana rolls her eyes. "If I'm going to die, you're coming with me."

"This is betrayal. Ana, you're betraying me." Techno groans, finally starting to walk on his own again. She still holds onto his arm in case he were to run off the other way.

Techno sighs and continues to nobody in mind. "Betrayal is often seen and felt in books. But you'd be a fool to assume that betrayal only lives in the thin pages and dark ink of books."

They easily meet the end of the hallway and stop in front of the door which had originally omitted the skin-crawling noises. The two quiet their breathing, too afraid to breathe loudly. Ana knows that Techno would never make the first move, forcing her to hesitantly lift her hand up to twist the knob. Her hand is moving painfully slow, and it's too apparent that she was shaking. Techno gulps, mentally praying to no apparent god for a happy ending after he passed the threshold of the living to the dead.

Her hands finally make contact with the knob in what seemed like forever. Ana slowly exhales, trying to find a calmer plane in her mind. Swallowing the fear, she pushes forward, breaking open the door. She takes a step into the room, eyes darting around the darkened room. The moonlight casts eerily shadows around the room, but it's empty.

Ana lets out a relieved sigh, shoulders dropping. "Jesus Christ. Was that an owl or something?"

Snarkily, Techno retorts, "Whatever it was, we should not have gone to go look for it. There's a reason why the first batch of people in horror movies die so incredibly fast."

"You can't tell me that you weren't curious about it!" Ana pouts, head tilting.

Techno responds flatly, "Curiosity killed the cat."

Ana grins, clasping her hands together. "But satisfaction brought it back."

Techno lightheartedly rolls his eyes, shaking his head at her response. "This is so dumb. Let's go to sleep. I'm insanely tired."

It was Ana's turn to groan, "But I'm not tired."

"You are tired, you just don't want to admit it. You really want to spend time with me, huh?" Techno teases the shorter girl.

Heat blossoms on Ana's face, she becomes flustered. "I didn't mean that. You're putting words in my mouth."

"Sure, sure. We both know who's telling the truth." He teasingly winks, before shoving his hands in his pocket and walking the other way.

"Wait for me!" Ana takes off after him. "Did my aunt tell you what room you're taking?"

Techno nods, "Yes, I was told to settle in room 240."

Ana giggles. "What? Be serious, what's your room number?"

Frowning with confusion, Techno stops in his tracks and turns to Ana. "I am serious. My memory is flawless."

Ana's face drops. "Wait. No. That's my room though. I've had that room every year."

"Uh. I sense that your Aunt has attempted to do something. Again."

They start speed walking to the right door, already on the right floor. Ana is the first to reach the door, swinging open the room.

"Like always, the room is the same! One king-sized bed!" Ana exclaims.

She runs over to the doors next to room 240, frantically trying to find one not locked.

"Why are they locked? What the hell?" Ana nervously laughs. "Well, what do you want to do? Say something please."

Techno blinks, and shrugs. "I'll sleep outside with the bugs, bye!" He turns, starting to walk towards the stairs.

Ana groans, rolling her eyes. "That's not happening." She grabs his arm pulling him back. "You sleep in here, and I go to sleep in the kitchen. I can have food anytime I want at whatever time of the night."

It's Techno's turn to pull her back. "We're also not doing that. How about, I sleep on the very attractive, sleek, black couch right there." He points to the couch he described in the room.

"Dude, if you lie down on that thing, a third of your body will be hanging off of the couch." Ana points out.

"Ever heard of the fetal position?" Techno shrugs.

Ana can't withhold the tiny smile making its appearance on her lips, but she sighs. "It's a king-sized bed. You take the left, I'll take the right. We can rain hellfire upon my aunt tomorrow. I think she's gone to sleep already. It's midnight now. She and her wine always knock her out early."

"There's not another choice, right?" Techno hesitantly asks.

"Yup. Now I call first for the bathroom!" Ana exclaims and bounces off to the bathroom to prepare for sleep.


Ana's already on her side of the bed like she promised, on the verge of sleep. "Goodnight, Techno."

Techno smiles, and softly responds, "Goodnight. Sleep well."

REVOLUTION. Technoblade x OCWhere stories live. Discover now