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A/N: Hey shawty you're lookin fine as hell today

They've been watching the clouds roll over them for a few hours now. They're comforted by the pristine nature around, and each other. Fingers intertwined, close enough to hear each other's breaths. They watch the occasional bird fly past, going to look for another meal. They've been silent for a while.

Both of them have faces that reflect their inner mind. Serenity. Peace. Gratefulness.

They're simply happy to have someone by their side. It's not always that they have someone mere inches away from them that they could turn and speak to anytime they'd like. In arms reach, if their mind happened to run into any worrying or fearful ideas, a hug would be instantly given.

The idea of having someone by your side, regardless if they're speaking to you or not, it's comforting. It was truly peaceful. Or was it?

"Edward in Twilight was a whole ass red flag. Fucker was watching her sleep. Who does that? If he was alive for that long, you'd probably think he learnt manners right?" Ana blurts out, cutting through the blanket of serenity.

"Uh. I'm not sure, I've never watched the series. But he does sound very creepy. Not someone you'd like to be with. That makes me imagine Ranboo standing at the foot of your bed menacingly, for some absurd reason."

Ana wheezes, curling up in laughter. She clutches her stomach in pain while laughing, as it's painful when laying on your back.

Techno smiles, chuckling at the girl. "I told no lies."

"I can't believe that you've never watched the movies. I've watched all of them at least 3 times. They were so good to me when I was younger. Now, I realise how messed up Edward is." Ana says after her laughter is reduced to little giggles.

"Well, who's Edward?" Techno asks her.

Ana explains to him, "He's a super old vampire in the Twilight series, he's a white crusty dusty man who has issues. Man needs a therapist. He's redone high school so many times, he might as well become a teacher. He's into Bella, and the romance is so weird. The actor who plays Bella's acting? Oh my god. The films might as well be put into the comedy category. By the way, it's on Netflix now!"

"Jesus christ, not my cup of tea, but that sounds pretty funny. A character who is described as 'crust dusty' surely must be great." Techno muses, looking up at the rolling clouds once more.

"He's played as Robert Pattinson, he got a role in a Batman movie, I'm pretty sure." Ana says, relaxed.

"Is he a bad actor?" Techno asks Ana, curious.

Ana is silent for a few seconds, thinking. She opens her mouth to try and express her opinion, "Well, I'm not too sure. Because apart from Twilight, I haven't seen anything that had him in it. But based on Twilight, he did great capturing the essence of Edward from the book. So maybe? He did great playing a character with a weird haircut, and was incredibly awkward."

"I can't comment on the hair, since I'm a scrawny guy with a weird hairstyle too." Techno laughs, motioning to his hair.

Ana pouts, "I love your hair. It's so soft. The color is great too! You look great, dear."

Techno blushes, a small grin plastered onto his face.

He gets up onto his feet and stretches his arms in the air. "Love, we should get going. It's getting dark. We don't want to get lost, right?"

"Of course. Lead the way, captain!" Ana cheers, getting up to follow Techno back to their temporary place of residence. 

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