The Unwelcome Visitor

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Disclaimers: I do not own TO or the characters.
Spoilers: season 4

To clear up some things up real quick. Keelin is helping Freya make the sword/knife that is supposed to kill Marcel, however, instead of staying at the bell tower, she is at the Mikaelsons' Compound. So they know she is here.

This chapter starts off in an odd way. Jonathan, Keelin's friend from Austin, who came down after Keelin called to tell him what happened, has already approached her twice. Once was just Keelin, the second time, she, Freya, and everyone else were out together.

Enjoy. :)


May 25th, 2019

*Mikaelson Compound*

They are heading downstairs when the knock at the door comes.

Keelin continues onwards to the dining room while Freya answers.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Freya's voice filtering towards her with an edge has her spinning back around in the direction of the Viking witch.

She hasn't known Freya very long, but something about her voice tells her this isn't an ordinary visitor.

Keelin gets her answer as she rounds the corner and sees Jonathan, trying to force his way into the house.

"Jonathan. What the hell! You followed us?!"

"They keepin' you here? Huh? Won't let you leave? Is that it? Come on, Keelin! Just come home with me!" Jonathan pleads as he tries to get passed Freya.

"You are not coming in, and she is not going anywhere with you."

Freya stops him by pushing on his chest with her hand. However, the feeling of Keelin's fingers trailing up her back and resting lightly on the nape of her neck, keeps the witch from using more than simply her hand.


She knows that voice. The look in the wolf's eyes.

"No." Freya growls lowly, her eyes immediately falling to Keelin.

"It'll be easier if you let me talk to him." She doesn't mean to sound so uninterested, honestly, but this is the third time in two weeks that Jonathan has approached her.

It is tiring at this point.

"I am not leaving you alone with him." Freya turns her glare toward the unwanted guest, but continues speaking to Keelin. "I don't trust him."

"Why not?" Jonathan sneers, stepping forward and pushing against her hand. "Scared you didn't do a good enough job brainwashing her?"

They ignore him, but Keelin steps closer, placing her hand over Freya's where it is still on Jonathan's chest.

Freya allows Keelin to remove her hand as she turns to Jonathan.

"Stay here. Understood?" Her eyes flash amber to show him she isn't playing, and Jonathan backs up a few paces, hands raised.

Keelin pushes the door closed, not all the way, but enough to separate them from the man outside. Sighing, she looks to the girl who has become somewhat of a tentative friend these past few weeks.

Granted, they have just reached the point of spending more time together, here, in New Orleans, than in the barn, but Keelin hopes it plays in her favor for what she is about to say.


"Keelin, no!" Her voice is strong and steady, but something akin to fear shines in her green eyes, underneath the concern.

Keelin knows Jonathan got off on the wrong foot with Freya. The other night, when he tracked them down in town. He made a scene; tried to force Keelin to leave with him.

She can understand; she did confide in him what Freya's done to her, after all. The kidnapping, the torture. Taking her venom.

Jonathan is her friend — a protective friend — and so Keelin can understand he does not trust Freya, nor her family. Why he sees this as her being in danger still.

But she has also told him they have been getting along in the past couple of weeks.

Keelin has in no way forgotten about what happened. But Freya's apologized, and they are both moving passed it. Now if only Keelin can get Jonathan to understand that.

"Freya, he won't hurt me." Keelin responds softly, holding her by the shoulders. "He's my friend. A protective friend. One who I wish would get the message," She raises her voice, and hears Jonathan scoff. "But still a friend."

"I don't trust him." Freya reiterates. And Keelin knows that. The other night, all Freya saw was an unknown male coming at Keelin. He grabbed her arm, demanded she come with him, and started trying to drag her away. And he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Freya had to use a little magic to get him to back the hell away. And she would have used even more, if it weren't for Keelin stopping her.

(Sure, Keelin knew his name, and probably could have handled it herself, but that didn't stop Freya.)

"I know you don't." She keeps her voice gentle. "And you have absolutely no reason to." Smiling a bit, she says, "But you do trust me, yes?"

"Of course."

When they reached the point where that answer came without hesitation, Freya does not know. But Keelin takes it as it is and nods.

"Okay. Then trust me when I say, he won't hurt me. He's a protective, worried friend, who is currently being a major pain in the ass, but a friend nonetheless. Besides," She wiggles the hand with her ring. "I'm not completely vulnerable. I can handle myself. Thanks to you."

Keelin waits; holds eye contact and tries to figure out what exactly the look in Freya's eyes means.

Before she can question it, Freya relents. Nodding and stepping away from the door. Keelin tells her to go to the dining room, and she'll meet her in there.

The moment the Viking witch is out of her sight, her expression hardens, and she swings open the door with force.



I have barely watched any of The Originals, just the Freelin scenes on YouTube. I tried to get their voices down (feels OOC though). Second part includes Keelin explaining Jonathan's behavior to Hope, and a little bit of a Freya/Keelin scene.

It's my very first time posting anything TO related, so I would really appreciate the feedback/constructive criticism.

If you'd like to see more, leave a star or let me know in a review. Chapter 2–5 are completed.

Let me know what you thought! :)

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