Family Movie Night

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Keelin, Freya, Hayley, and Hope go to the park to watch the movies. Also, a Freelin scene at the end. 😉

So it turns out there IS a park in Austin that hosts a Movie Night. However, this is a different one and of my own imagination.

Enjoy. :)


*Keelin's apartment – 5 p.m.*

"Hope! Come say hi to Dad before we leave!" Hayley calls out as she stands in the kitchen with Keelin and Freya.

Hope runs into the room. She is wearing her pajamas — a Snow White nightgown, and black shorts — because the movies are supposed to last well into the night, and it is more than likely she will not be awake when they arrive back home.

"Hi, Daddy, guess what we're doing-..." Her voice fades out as she leaves the room.

"Do we have everything?" Hayley turns to Keelin and Freya, the latter sitting at the table with a bottle of water. She is dressed similar to them both – a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"We have the chairs in the car, the blankets she picked out... and this backpack with everything we'll need and probably 3x more than what we'll actually use." Keelin lists off, opening a cabinet and tossing in a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

She shrugs at Freya's raised eyebrow.

"What? You know as well as I do, if we don't bring them, it will be the one and only thing the two of you will want."

Freya just holds her hands up as a silent I didn't say anything. And Hayley grins to herself. She knows this is a once in a lifetime chance to see this side of Freya. Once the three of them return to New Orleans, it will be a very long time before either Hope or Freya finds their happiness again.

Maybe she can at least convince Keelin to meet them halfway each weekend for a girls' day out.


20 minutes later they arrive at the park with their chairs, blankets, snacks, and a picnic basket.

"Do we have everything?" Keelin asks before she keys the lock on her SUV. Hayley is carrying two chairs while Freya is loaded with the picnic basket and a pillow that Hope insisted she bring along.

"If not, we can just come back." Hayley raises one of the chairs with one hand, and Hope giggles at it. She winks at her daughter, doing it with the other chair. "It'll take us less than five minutes to come get whatever we forgot."

"I wanna pick the spot!" Hope takes off and Keelin rolls her eyes. She sticks the keys in Hayley's coat pocket and just grins when Hayley gives her a what the hell look.

They follow Hope in through the gate. She had been stopped so one of the security guards could check her backpack – finding snacks, two blankets, and a pair of headphones inside. One of them holds his hand up for a high five before waving her inside.

The crowd is allowed to bring their own foods and drinks. However, each container is checked at the gates. There really does not need to be a sideshow because some idiot snuck in alcohol, got drunk, and did something stupid.

(As has happened in the past, when rules and regulations were much more lax.)

"She's going to fall in those sandals," Hayley mutters as she watches her daughter nearly trip twice while testing out spots.

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