Around Town w/Hope, Hayley, & Freelin (also, Freya is a stubborn mess)

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Hope, Freya, and Keelin go home for the night. The next day Keelin finally makes Freya talk about her abrupt leave last week. Wonder what excuse she will give? ;) Then, they have a day out and around Austin with Hayley!

Enjoy! :)


*Keelin's apartment*

They go back to Keelin's apartment for the night. The afternoon was filled with pool time, a small BBQ of hot dogs, homemade popsicles, and a very rousing game with Super Soaker water guns.

They go back to the apartment; cool off with showers, and have a quick dinner of grilled cheese and French fries. Eventually, they end up on the couch watching a DVR'd marathon of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty ("Hey, that's what you call Auntie Freya!"), and Pocahontas late into the night, ending around midnight with only Hayley and Keelin awake.

"She showed you the guest bedroom earlier, right?" Keelin whispers as Hayley flicks absentmindedly through the TV channels. Hayley has the loveseat couch, and Hope is asleep in her lap. Meanwhile, Freya is curled up with her head on Keelin's lap, sound asleep also.

Hayley nods, before sighing and settling on an episode of CSI: Miami. After about 15 minutes, Keelin suggests they go to bed, but Hayley protests ("I want to watch this; I like Speedle.")

And here Keelin thought Hope inherited her whining from Kol...

Keelin rolls her eyes, motioning for the remote, and once she has it, she sets this episode and the next 3 to record.

"There. Done. Now, you got her?" She gestures to Hope and Hayley nods. "Alright. You know where everything is; I'm going to wake Freya up, and then we'll be in my bedroom if you need anything."

Once Hayley is standing, maneuvering a sleeping child to her shoulder in only the way a pro-parent can, she whispers a goodnight and love you, and off they go.

"Come on, Sleeping Beauty," She brushes her fingers through Freya's semi-wet hair, only succeeding in waking her long enough for the witch to be coherent enough to not walk into the wall after Keelin shuts off the TV, blanketing the entire house in darkness.

She goes straight to the wolf's bedroom and crashing the second her body hits the mattress, sinking into blankets that surround her with the comfort of Keelin's scent.

(Not that she would ever, you know, admit it helps her sleep or anything. But no harm in enjoying it, right?)

Keelin just nudges her over a bit, but mostly tucks the comforter closer around her and falls asleep to the sound of her heartbeat.


The next morning – Thursday, June 20th, 2019


The next day, per Hope's request, the four stay at Keelin's. They make pancakes and eggs for breakfast, watch movies (and CSI: Miami), and laze around the house.

Just after 1, they begin getting ready as Hope has decided she wants to use the afternoon to go out for a later lunch, and then to show Hayley around town.

While Hayley is running Hope a bath, before getting dressed herself, Keelin decides this is the perfect opportunity to ask Freya the question which has burned her tongue for an entire week.

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