Day Around Town w/ Hope & Freelin

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Keelin takes Hope and Freya around Austin. A lot of Freelin interaction, and them generally just being Hope's cool aunts. 😎

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had or has a great holiday. 💚🦃


The next morning, Keelin is not surprised to find she has company.

Freya, she knew was beside her, as the witch actually came to bed with her earlier in the morning, after they got halfway through the third movie.

However, it seems sometime in the night, Hope had joined them.

Keelin catches sight of the clock, still early enough to let them both sleep, and so she makes her way downstairs. It is almost completely silent, meaning Sanders and Benny are also still asleep.

(And yep, she finds Luca and Jared in the kitchen, drinking coffee, but sans their two sons.)

"Morning, Kee." Luc greets as Jared grabs a mug for her. He slides it across the counter and she sighs contently at the first sip.

They discuss breakfast and plans for the day. Keelin is going to hang around the house for a few hours, to visit with the boys, and maybe go swimming again. Then, she wants to take Freya and Hope out for lunch.

It is not long before the four of them join Luca, Jared, and Keelin in the kitchen. Breakfast is nearly finished by now; sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy, toast, and bacon. Basically, the works.

"Benny, use your fork, please." Luc prompts for the fourth time. They have been working with him on using utensils instead of his hands and fingers. It seems they still have some ways to go. Though, they suppose, he is only 3, after all.

"Benny, watch me!" Sanders picks up his fork and stabs a piece of sausage. "See? Big boys use forks. Are you a big boy, Benny?"


Sanders hands a RugRats-themed toddler fork to his baby brother.

"Here, use this. See? You pick the food up like this!" He demonstrates, but Benny simply watches before turning to Freya, who is sitting to the left of his high chair.

"Fey do it!"

Freya blinks, and looks up, sees he is holding out the fork.

"He wants you to feed him," Keelin whispers from beside her, and Freya takes it from the little boy. She alternates between Benny and herself for the rest of breakfast.

Once they are finished, Sanders and Benny, including Hope, help to clear the table (Benny takes forks and spoons, Sanders puts away the condiments, and Hope takes their plates to the sink).

A half hour later, Jared claps his hands.

"All right, you three have been very patient, so... who's ready to hit the water?!"

He gets loud cheers from all three kids as they race to the back door, having already changed into their swimsuits.

Freya offers to watch them as she unlocks the door, and they all dart towards the gated pool area. A few minutes later, the rest of the clan is outside, and they spend the morning enjoying  the sun and water.


By the time noon rolls around, they have already swam for at least two hours, and are now getting dressed and ready to go.

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