This is My Home (aka, Freya has a question for Keelin)

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Freya finally (wo)mans up, and asks Keelin to move back to New Orleans. She readily agrees. However, Freya has ulterior motives, and has been keeping a major secret from her that concerns the entire Mikaelson family.

Hello all. This is it. The final chapter. Thank you to EVERYONE. I appreciate you all.

Enjoy. :)


1 week later – July 12th, 2019


It's been a slow day. After spending time with Freya, Hope, and the rest of the family, Keelin is back in her bedroom.

She noticed that Freya's seemed off for most of the day. Almost... anxious. Keelin is going to leave tonight, to get a head start on her drive back to Austin. And the closer it gets to when she is supposed to leave, the more anxious Freya seems to become.

About an hour before her departure, Keelin is in her bedroom and debating on going to find Freya. They have grown even closer in the past two weeks; a kiss here and there, small smiles when no else is looking their direction.

It was easy to contain themselves around Hope and Hayley. Neither of them questioned their closeness during movie nights, or the handholding while walking around town.

It was normal – to them at least. Neither knew, or know, about what happened that night behind Keelin's closed bedroom door. Hayley took Hope out the next morning for a Mommy & Me Day; they went shopping, out to lunch, and to see a movie.

Meanwhile, Keelin woke up with two things on her mind: Jonathan, and the ass-chewing she was going to give him. And Freya... she hoped the night before's events were not a dream.

They lazed around the apartment. Not much had changed... but there were a few activities that, well, they most certainly would not have done the day before...

It was easy to keep it to themselves when it was just Hayley and Hope, but then the entire family came up for the Fourth of July. They stayed four days, and it took every ounce of willpower for the both of them to not let on that their relationship had shifted.

Now, Keelin sits in her bedroom – at the Compound. And she goes over the day, and Freya's behavior, and she feels something is definitely not okay.

She makes up her mind. She will go find Freya and try to figure out what is going on. Just as she is moving her laptop aside, there is a knock on her bedroom door. Looking up, Keelin is inexplicably relieved to see it is Freya.

"Hey." Freya enters the room slowly. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Keelin tilts her head at the tentativeness in Freya's voice, and how she lingers at the end of her bed instead of climbing in next to Keelin.

But she answers immediately, "Of course," and motions for Freya to come over. As she crawls to the center of the bed and settles close to Keelin, the wolf in her detects Freya's unease; her heartbeat is the most worrying, however, and she gently takes one of Freya's hands in her own, kissing her knuckles.

"What's the matter, Freya?"

She looks at Keelin, then, and swallows tightly, gaze flitting away but quickly coming back. She focuses on the feeling of Keelin's hand in her own, and uses it to ground her in the moment.

"If I asked you," She starts. "to stay here, in New Orleans with us, what would you say?"


An odd question, but Keelin goes along with it.

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