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See I think my problem is I'm always trying to believe in forever...
But I never seem to realize that forever is only between hello and goodbye...
It's not that I'm lonely or that I'm constantly missing you
Or the fact that when I'm around new company I think of you
It's that sometimes I remember our happy moments...
You know the ones where we're laughing till the moonlight?
All the late night drives and early FaceTime's
The days we would skip class just to grab a bite to eat
Or the hugs that seemed to last forever
Forever huh....
Forever never seems to last long enough
See when I said forever I meant it whole heartily
With ever ounce of my being...
I said forever because when I thought of a life without you it was unimaginable
It didn't exist...
So when you walked out on me I couldn't help but feel like I lost everything
And see the thing is everyone loses someone
Everyone always has to say goodbye
But deep down in my heart I never thought it would be our time
But then it was
And what could I do?
I did everything I could just to keep you
But it never was enough
And you know...
I tried so hard for you not to see how much of an affect you had on me
How broken I became...
It was when I lost my heart I lost my way
And at that point it was hard trying to make it each day
I didn't know if I could
More or less I didn't know if I should
But I hung tough and kept pushing through
Hoping that one day you would come back to me and we would be like we use to
But you never did
And I guess you never would
So now if I hear the words forever
Excuse me if I don't believe you
Because those words never had meaning
And that is what I'm used to...
Authors Note: Umm not sure what kind of note I should leave here... I think what I really like about reading poetry whether it's mines or someone else's... is how it feels like it doesn't need a response. Do you get what I mean? I think there's a reason why in spoken word the crowd only snaps. That's just my two cents though🤷.

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