5. Closet partners

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Off wakes up slightly dizzy, the lack of sleep lingers as a heavy weight on his eye lids. The memory of his late night conversation with Gun starts gushing in. 

The day before certainly had been a long day with Dim's tantrums. As a result of which he had woken up at midnight, experiencing one of his regular episodes of nightmares. Unable to fall asleep being caught in these throes of nightmares, he decided to go out to have a smoke. He had no desire to live that long anyway to his friends' utter disappointment. 

But instead he ran into Gun who was going all stealth mode with careful steps. The sight had been quite amusing. In his newfound curiosity, he tailed behind Gun and startled him. 

Not only that,he has utterly embarrassed himself by being so erratic. On top of that he almost pleaded Gun to stay and made a sweet promise wanting to show off his culinary skills. 

Head full of such thoughts, Off spends a total of fifteen minutes burying his face in the downy feather filled pillow, lacking any motivation to start the day. Well, his motivation had left him years ago. Nevertheless, there's a new motivation that is breathing in the same space as Off since yesterday. A beautiful muse going by the name of Gun.

Off, you are really doomed. 

With that thought he saunters into the coffee house downstairs in a sloth pace. 

He meets a pair of beautiful beady eyes looking at him with a plea to be saved from whatever that was happening. 

"What's happening?'' Off voices out not daring to take his eyes away from Gun's eyes. He's already leaning by the cafe counter, taking the vacant place next to Gun without any invitation. 

"A very good morning to you too Off.'' Tay's greeting borders on sarcasm and half-amusement which Off decidedly ignores. 

"My dear 91 liners and Junior Gun,  I was thinking of something interesting. I'll tell you beforehand that you are absolutely not allowed to refuse my proposal'' 
Tay gestures dramatically trying to grab their attention as if he were explaining a prophecy. 

"Spill it first.'' Arm says though Off has a feeling that his friend is already aware of Tay's so called proposal. 

"Ok so I thought since we all are terribly in need of a break, we all should take that much needed break now. We don't have to go anywhere. We can stay here and play some games like we used to do when we were kids.'' 

"Play games?'' Gun looks confused and Off finds it extraordinarily adorable. 

"Yes Gun. Games. I can see that you are tempted.'' Tay has already trapped Gun in his plans. Apparently there's no backing away now. 

Grown up men playing hide and seek. That's something Tay Tawan's ridiculous ideas-riddled brain conjured up in a short span of time. Off doesn't blame him though, because Tay usually doesn't resort to these tactics unless he's driven to the corner with no escape in view. And the one who did drive both Arm and Tay to the corner is none other than Off Jumpol and his grumpy self. He blames himself already for a lot of things and one more to the list won't hurt. 

But part of him wants to say 'everything be damned' and clasp Gun's wrist and drag him away to hide somewhere before Arm and Tay can easily find them. So that's what he does. 

The closet looked very appealing as a hiding spot at first because he had already emptied it of Rin's clothes some time back and probably ArmTay team wouldn't guess Off to be this shameless to drag a newcomer into a closet of all the places. 

In hindsight he should have chosen a less cramped space. There's barely a gap between the two of them with Off's toe poking uncomfortably at Gun's foot. At some point, on an unspoken understanding both had decided to sit rather than stand awkwardly facing each other like lovers on their first date. 
Damn! that thought is more awkward than the current situation and Off hopes Arm and Tay won't read much into all this. 

Off tries to curl himself a little so as to give Gun the impression that he's not taking advantage of the situation. But he could imagine their breaths colliding together and circulating in this closed space. 

"Do you like this idea? I find this very childish.'' Off can't resist asking Gun. He finds those beady eyes staring at him. He thinks they anticipate him to say something, to start a conversation that the other would gladly join in. Gun's gaze is irresistible. Alluring in a way he doesn't know how to react to it. 

"I don't know. He's doing this for you. How do you feel?'' There's so much enthusiasm in that melodious voice when he hears Gun respond to his question. He wonders how easily Gun could read Tay's intentions. 

"Distracted...It's better I guess.'' 
with you. The two unspoken words linger near his throat. He is baffled with himself. His treacherous tongue would have blurted out if he didn't manage to get hold of himself.  

"Then I like this idea.'' Off's closet partner replies eagerly. Even in the darkness of the closet, Off could feel the glimmer in Gun's lustrous eyes. Maybe ArmTay team should make haste and find them before Off loses his remaining sanity and does something utterly regretful. 


Unaware of Off's dilemma, Arm and Tay stand in the coffee house with no intention of playing the game that Tay so grandly proposed.

"Our boys are in the closet! Closet partners. That's adorable.'' Tay flopped down on the couch. 

"I hope you know what you are doing Tay. I don't want Off to be left  heartbroken again.'' Arm stands infront of the lazy version of Tay and the latter finds his stern expression quite impressive. 

"Arm, it's been five years since her death. He's still like this. Don't you want to change that.'' Tay reasons and he finds Arm still unconvinced.  
" Trust me Arm. This is different. Both of them are different.'' 

"What makes you say so?'' Arm's stern expression melts and something akin to hope lightens his face. 

"You'll understand what I mean very soon.''

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