⏳|Chapter 4|⏳

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What...time it? Gods, my head...

The cool fabric of sheets kissed my skin, and the early morning sun peeked through the curtains. I tried to roll over, but muscles felt like they had just been turned to mush. Honestly it felt like I had just crashed landed into my own body. I finally sat up, squinting as sunlight hit my face.

"Ergh, I feel like I'm either having an out of body experience, or I'm extremely hung over."

"I can confirm that you are in fact, none of those, Ms. Y/n."

Startled, I immediately jumped. "Who said that?!" I somehow managed to stand up, holding my fists up as if I could fight in my current state.

"It's just me, Ms. Y/n."

"Yeah, and who's—Wait, J.A.R.V.I.S?"


It was at that moment I finally took in my surroundings. "Am I...this is my old bedroom..."

I turned to see the balcony onlooking Manhattan. "Holy shit..." I flinched at a knock at my door.


"Ms. Romanoff is at your door."

"N-Natasha...?" I felt my chest squeeze, "Nat?"

"Y/n? Are you alright?"

I wanted to breakdown. Either my conscious had reached a new level of desperation that I was forced into a fever dream, or all that timey whimey shit actually worked.

I opened the door hesitantly, and there stood Natasha. She had a concerned look in her eyes as she eyed me up and down, "We've been calling you down for breakfast for the past fifteen minutes."


"Yeah," she pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. "Are you sure you're not ill? Jarvis check her vitals."

"She is perfectly healthy Ms. Romanoff."

I bit my lip, holding myself back from tackling the woman into a hug. "Natasha, is she okay?"

Tony's voice was next, hollering from down in the kitchen. I immediately pushed past her and ran down the stairs, tumbling down the last few into him as he tried making his way up.


I threw my arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. Tony just stiffened, his arms lifted above my shoulders.

"Uh, what's wrong with the firecracker?"

"Oh gods, I missed hearing you say that!"

He hesitantly pulled me off, eying me up and down just as Natasha did. "Are you sure she's okay?"

"Yes Mr. Stark." Jarvis hummed.

"Well you're enthusiastic this morning," Wanda sat on one of the large couches in the recreational space, Steve not far from her reading some documents. Rhodey was at the large dining table, drinking a cup of a coffee while he watched the chaos unfold.

Sam and Clint had stopped their conversation to give me puzzled looks of their own. Then there was my brother, his hair longer again with a mug of beer in his hand.

"Really Thor? It's nine in the morning," Tony shamed him.

"And?" He walked up to me and gave me a slap on the back, "It's good to see you so jubilant, sister!"

"Brother," I smiled, unable to fight the stray tears that rimmed my eyes.

"Annnd she's crying," Tony stepped back. "I'm not equipped for this. Natasha, Wanda, you two are women. This is your problem."

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