⏳|Chapter 6|⏳

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The throne room, and a meeting with father dearest. It was common knowledge Loki didn't exactly, enjoy, the king's company. One look at him could almost make the trickster vomit. Yet here he was, following in toe behind Thor and I as we made our way to give him our 'hellos'.

Every other glance behind me, Loki would give me a pleading look. That look a child would give their mother when they wanted something. In Loki's case, out of his misery. The guards lead us down a long, golden corridor, full of artifacts and suits of armor lining the walls.

Loki let out a childish whine, shoving a guard away as they tried to grab his shoulder, "Get your filthy hands off me."


Thor gave him a disapproving glance, to which Loki returned with a begrudging scowl. I slowed my pace, falling in behind beside him. He acknowledged at me with a slight smile before returning to his regular grimace. The grand doors to the throne room were pushed open, several guards lining the tight corridor that opened up into the massive space.

Odin himself sat on the throne, leaning forward as he eagerly awaited the arrival of his children. All three of us knelt on one knee, bowing our heads in respect. Loki was up almost immediately, brushing his knees with a dissatisfied growl.

"Thor, Y/n, it is good to see you again. Though I must admit, I was not expecting you, Y/n."

"Heh, yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck, "Coming home was a spur of the moment decision, I guess."

I felt Loki's skeptical gaze on me. His face was contorted with confusion and slight amusement. He swept his cape to the side, humming to himself.

"At any rate, you arrival couldn't be any more perfect. Within the coming days, Asgard will be holding another banquet to commemorate what was supposed to be just Thor's return."

"What was supposed to be just Thor's return," Loki whined under his breath, his high pitched tone both lighthearted and cynical.

Odin's eye narrowed, the sound of his voice clearing echoing off the chamber walls. Loki immediately rolled his eyes and leaned back on his heels. The prince rolled his head to the side a bit, his jaw clenching ever so slightly.

"Loki, please." Thor voice was off putting, "Show some respect."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this family was capable of respect." He frowned, "Well, except Y/n, of course."

I flinched under Loki's sarcastic gaze as he sneered. As much as I wanted to fall over and laugh, Odin's patience was wearing thin.

"What? Everyone knows I'm right. I leave for a bit and come back and all I get is a simple hello. Yet Thor gets a whole entire celebration?"

"Loki, it's really not that big of a deal."

His lip curled slightly in disgust, "I'm just saying."

"F-Forgive him, father," I murmured. "You know how he is..."

Loki faltered and shot me an offended glance. He rolled his eyes, folding his arms with a scoff, "Whatever."

"There is no need to apologize for Loki's insolence my dear."

"Eh hem," Thor cleared his throat. "I'm sure the celebration will be lovely."

"Of course it will be, it's all about you."

Loki leaned back, cracking his neck, "As much as I would love to continue this little banter, I think it'd be best if I just go."

He motioned to the double doors at the end of the hall, walking back on his feet. "Disrespectful little imp," Odin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What in the nine realms am I supposed to do with that one?"

"Uh, if I may..." I slowly stepped away, "It was an absolute pleasure, but I'm going to check on him—"

I exited the chamber quickly and made my way down the hall where Loki was slumped against the wall.

"Oh great, have you come to patronize me too?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

His sour look softened as he exhaled, "Yes, yes. I'm fine."

"You know, he's going to scorn you for that."

Loki rolled his eyes, "I was only being direct. Besides, we both know the old man scorns me everyday."

He wasn't entirely wrong. It was painfully obvious Odin played favorites. That and being able to quite literally tell if someone's lying, you couldn't overlook the lies that he held. Loki sighed, his body language tense. It still bothered him. And he still held it all in.

"You did instigate. Direct but abrupt."

He cleared his throat, fidgeting with his sleeve. "So, um, a celebration."

He gazed at me quietly, his eyes slightly unnerved. His brow was furrowed, a crease forming between his eyes.

"I'm not interested in the old man's trivial affairs," he snorted. "I'll just, lock myself in my room."

"What if we went together?"

His brows furrowed even more and his eyes widened. He tilted his head to the side, leaning his body with it, "Y/n, are you asking me out on a date?"

I choked, "W-What!? N-No, of course not!" I couldn't stop my voice from cracking into nervous laughter, "I just thought—So you wouldn't be lonely!"

Loki bit his lip, his dark eyes glittering with mischief. "D-Don't look at me like that," I stammered. "Stupid prick."

"I suppose I can go, if that is what you wish."

"Yeah, well, good." I held my chin up, "I was afraid I'd have to drag you along myself."

"I wouldn't mind that, honestly."

His lips curled into a sly smirk. He leaned down to face me nose to nose, arms folded his arms behind his back. I leaned back on my heels, putting a hand on his chest.


"I'm just messing with you." He stepped back with a soft chuckle, "My, my. You certainly fluster quite easily."


"Are you trying to catch flies?" He shut my jaw with a finger.

I shook my head, rubbing my heated cheeks. Loki snickered, taking a step back. "I'll see you soon then."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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