we'll find our light

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I continued my words still crying

Y/n : She committe suicide, Nd she also left me, I feel like someone stab me in my chest, I stop talking, I stop smiling, I didn't find any reason to smile, I thought I am in these world to be left alone, Everyone left me even if my own parents, No one loves me, I have only 2 person in name of family but one by one they also left me, I stop talking , I left with no one to talk with, Everyone start to Bully me again, They made my life worst, I hve no one to protect me no one to fight for me, Nd one day when I felt like I cnt take it anymore, I runaway from there,..Then..

I paused as I pulled away from the hug and Placed my forehead onto his.


Y/n pov

I was running with the pain I am suffering from, The pain of being left alone, I was running with no direction I stopped at the bridge nd started crying out while looking at the water.

Y/n: why God why,? Why does no one love me? Everyone left me? Woo said that he'll protect me no matter what? But he also left me, Why am I that bad? Why me why?

I keep crying and I noticed one shadow in the river, I looked in the direction from where the shadow was coming, and I saw one guy standing there, He was standing on the railing , Is he trying to jump.

No no he can't do these, I can't let anyone else die, Without any second thought I directly run towards him, I hold him from his waist and pull him back we both fall on the ground, He pushed me from himself .

?????: what the fuck do u think, You r doing?

I slap him

Y/n: how could you do these

He turns towards me with an angry face I can't see his face because he is wearing a mask, But i can tell through his eyes he is very angry.

??????: how dare you bitch, How dare you slap me? even parents didn't slap me till now.

I started to hit his chest with my hands continuously

Y/n: how could you do these? How? how? how?

???????: I am warning you , Stop hitting me before I cut off these shitty hands of urs.

I didn't stop Hitting him, He got more angry nd grab my wrist harshly to stop me from Hitting him.

?????: I hate to repeat my words you bitch stop Hitting me.

He loosened my grip after seeing my red puffy eyes I am on the verge of crying, As he lossen his grip from my wrist I imideately hug him.

Y/n: please don't do this, It's wrong, It will hurt the one who loves you more than anything, Please don't hurt them, I know it's hard, But ending ur life is not a solution, Plzz I promise everything will be allright, Jst **cries** jst please don't do these please.

??????: Nd why do you care about my life so much? Do you know who iam??

Y/n: is it really matter to know ur identity to stop you from ending ur life? No matter who you are, your life is also precious like all of us, Like me, My life is also hell but still my life is precious like others,

I only want you.  Kill Me Nd Leave Me. ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now