devil's prophecy

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Lee: no tell mee y/n did you regret it...

there's a long pause between them ..y/n keeps quite for some moments for collecting her words ..before speaking..

Y/n : now I get it why he asked me the same question yesterday,.. you asked the same thing to him didn't you ..

Lee smile nd nodded while scratching his neck with his hands nervously before speaking

Lee: yess I want both of you to think properly cause having a kid is a big responsibility nd you both are still young both are still in college nd as an elder I feel the need to tell you guys all the possibilities I don't want you two to regret in future ...

Y/n understand what he was trying to say so she smiles a little before replying

Y/n: I understand what you are trying to say oppa .. nd trust me Iam not taking this decision emotionally I have thought about it deeply thn I decided to have these kid.. I'll reply you with the same answer I told to taehyung cause thts what I truely feel..

Y/n paused nd look at lee for an approval to continue nd lee nodded nd signal her to continue y/n take a deep breath before continuing..

Y/n: yes that's true I want to have kids after graduation, but sometimes fate decided something else for us.. didn't it??

She paused and smile before continuing

Y/n: But I didn't regret it the happiness I feel when I get to know I was pregnant was beyond the earth , I feel like iam the luckiest person in the earth nd carrying the child of the only person I love was a blessing for me ,, I feel blessed oppa ,I know we are young nd these responsibility is very big but with taehyung I didn't feel like it?? He loves me so much nd takes care of me very well nd these kid..

Y/n paused nd placed her hands on her stomach nd creased it softly with a smile.. nd continued

Y/n: nd these kid nd taehyung is all I wanted for from the starting ... a family my own family... as you know iam an orphan I didn't get to feel the warmth of a family .. I have only two persons in a name of my family... Seon Unni nd woo but for some reason they are not with me now .. but now I got a chance to create my own family with someone who loves me nd I also love him.. I don't want to let it go oppa? I know you must be thinking tht  We have our future to deal with nd We can again plan for a kid after settling down?? Trust me Thts what I planned from the starting.. but we can't change our destiny can we ??

Again she paused nd give lee a gentle smile before continuing

Y/n:no right ?? Nd if my destiny decides something these amazing for me thn iam more thn glad to accept it ?? We don't know what future holds so I'll not put everything on future  nd destroy what I have now ?? What matters is iam happy now with taehyung nd this baby nd having all of you is also a plus points..

Y/n paused nd give him a sweet smile which he returned with the same sweetness... Lee feels a bond with her , he also don't understand why he feels like this ?? No he didn't feel tht kind of bond which is between taehyung nd her , but instead He feels like y/n is someone close to him which he longs from so many years .. what if she.. no no tht can't be the real case right he thinks all these in his mind nd shrugged off all those thoughts.. he is feeling like these maybe coz y/n is such a sweet person... y/n continued after a long pause

Y/n: I didn't regret it even a lil bit having taehyung is a blessing he is such a sweetheart ,, I know he has his own flaws but who doesn't have I also have mines but what matters is tht he is trying his best to overcome it .. nd he is such a supporting partner tht Iam damn sure he'll not even let me walk by myself once my baby bump is visible ...

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