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At cafeteria 9: 45 am same day

Thts all they managed to say before engulfing each other in an tight hug.. letting each other know tht they are not dreaming nd it's all real.. fuck they both miss each other like hell.. during those day when they are in school they always used to hang out together nd they are like inseperable.. y/n was so overwhelmed after meeting her bestfriend , her protector, her hero.. she longed for him so many years jst to fill the empty space in her heart...

The only person with whom she feels save in the past, nd the only person who comes to find her whenever she hides in the corner of the terrace to cry coz someone tease her for being an orphan.. she missed him so much.. she also tried to find him through the orphanage to apologize for her confession nd to took his care nd gentle behaviour in a wrong way nd think it as love.. but the reality is he only think of her as his bestfriend.. but she thinks he also loves her in the same way she did..

she wants to apologise nd ask him to come back in her life nd being together the way they are before her confession.. y/n forget everything nd jst hug him like there's no tomorrow coz he is his only family before taehyung comes into the picture.. nd she didn't want to lose him again.. she even forget tht they are in cafeteria nd everyone is looking at them with unknown expression... She only murmur one thing..

Y/n: sry ..sry ...sry

She keeps chanting these words tears starts to fall from her eyes..

Eun: sshhh angel it's ok iam here??

Eun said in an gentle way while shussing her to make her stop from crying Nd creasing his hands over her softly.. he knows it makes her clam whenever he did it in the past.. but after hearing those words she starts to cry harder , remembering all those time they spend together, all those time whenever eun hug her to make her feel at ease , safe nd to make her remind tht she is not alone .. he didn't change even a lil bit.. he is exactly the same as he was in past , even after everything he is treating her with the same gentleness ,softness the same way he treats her in past , but these time he is more gentle nd softer thn past..

she is relieved tht he didn't change .. she is relieved tht he didn't hate her for what she did but instead he treats her with the same way he used to do in past with gentleness, softness.. she feels the same as she used to feel in the past, she feels like she is safe, she feels like she is finally in home , the home In which she spent her most of the childhood , the home which make her safe all those time , the home which she lost in the past but atlast she finally found it back.. they come out of their comfort zone when someone harshly pulled eun back nd before he can understand what is happening tht person started to punch eun continuosly.. y/n eyes widened in shock after seeing what is happening nd the person who is punching eun continuosly..

Jungkook: how dare you to touch her you fucking asshole.. iam fucking gonna kill you.. she is mine...

Jungkook yelled at him Still punching him he didn't know what he was saying.. he was in rage..y/n come forward to stop him from hurting eun she holds his shoulder in order to stop him.. she was to horrified by the scene in front of her tht she didn't even listen what jungkook is saying..

Y/n: kookie omg stop it.. he didn't did anything..

Y/n said panicking still crying nd tried to stop him , but jungkook has totally lost his control ,he is taking out all those frustration, anger , jealous, hurting feeling he feels all those weeks after seeing y/n with his hyung , he didn't even realise tht y/n is the one who is trying to stop him ? Without even realise he yanked his hand harshly nd continued to punch eun y/n was about to fall on the floor due to the harsh impact but one arm hold her protectively.. nd tht person is non other thn jimin.. yongi is also beside him he come to the other side of y/n nd look at her with worried eyes..

I only want you.  Kill Me Nd Leave Me. ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now