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Meanwhile at the cafeteria..

As soon as jin follow jungkook.. y/n look at jimin at asked..

Y/n: oppa kookie will be allright , right..

Y/n asked worriedly.. nd Jimin smile in reply before saying..

Jimin : don't worry angel he'll be allright , he is an grown ass man
He jst need some time to think thoroughly , don't worry jin hyung will handle everything.. don't stress yourself stressing is not good for our lil give me you angelic smile..

Y/n smile after hearing these, how lucky she is to get these loving family of taehyung, taehyung is truely lucky to have them.. Even the baby hadn't born yet but they Love the baby like it's thier own ,.. y/n comes out of his thoughts when she feels someones hands in her cheeks she looks at the owner of those hands it's non other thn eun

Eun: are you allright baby..

Y/n looked at eun nd give him an assureing smile .. yeah that's one of the nick name eun give her.. he has given her so many Nick.. he calls her by any name it's his habit nd y/n didn't mind it.. coz from childhood she never get the affection of an family nd eun nd seon was her only family nd she love it when they give her sweet pet names like princess , angel, petal , doll , baby and so on,, nd baby is also a name eun used to Call her , coz she cry like a baby. There's a story behind each pet name nd y/n know tht very well, how can she doesn't know they spend half of their life with each other.. but before she can say anything in an instant eun hands on her cheeks get yanked away from harshly by yongi..

Yongi : Who are you calling your baby ?? don't you fucking dare to touch her again you fucking asshole, keep those hands with you , if you want them to keep with yourself longer..

Yongi said with an death glare , y/ n looked at him with shocked eyes coz it's the first time he saw yongi react like this , he usually keep silence nd let There hyung deal with things , but it's rare for him to react like this.. it's must be taehyung's doing now y/n understand what they both are doing inside one room before taehyung left.. he must teach him all these , nd yup yongi keeps quite but he is also possessive of his close one , specially his family members , once you dare to touch them he'll show you hell . Nd for yongi y/n is also like his lil sister nd a family member thn he'll not allow any outsiders to misbehave with her..

Eun: wow wow.. chill dude , I didn't mean any harm , I am jst asking if she is allright or not.. nothing else..

Y/n again tries to say something but this time jimin cut him off .

Jimin : thanks for your concern but no thanks, we are here for taking care of her theirs no need of your concern , save it for someone else..

Jimin said with an irritating tone,now she turned her gaze to jimin ,, now she understands when Jennie complains about how possessive her brother's are , she gulped after seeing their possessiveness with her own eyes.. it's dangerous...

Eun : possessive about her aren't we?? But don't worry I mean no harm , you can ask her we know each other from childhood..

Eun said with an smile while on the other hand eun friends nd mark was looking at the whole senerio silently , like they are observing the whole situation silently Nd confusedly, nd yup they know about y/n a lil bit coz eun have tell them about his friend Circle..

Y/n: oppa he is saying truth we each other don't mind his words , he is like this since childhood,..

Y/n said with an sweet smile.. in a hope tht they will stop their bickering

I only want you.  Kill Me Nd Leave Me. ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now