Y/n: T..aehyu..ng
We both looked at him he is standing in front of his car I can't say his face clearly . coz where he is standing there's no street light so his face is not visible but I know he is taehyung ?? Well hell how can I not recognise my own boyfriend with whom I spent most of my time with whom now a days I sleep nd wake up?
I don't know why but I had a bad feeling thts something very bad is going to happen?? I want to go towards him but something inside me is stoping me ?? I feel like I can't move my legs?? He is holding some dark aura around him which is stoping me from going towards him?? Now iam really scared ?? I don't want him to misunderstand anything ??
I come out of my thoughts when kookie interwind our finger in an assureing way I looked towards him nd he smiled at me ?? His smile is a way to assure tht everything is allright ??
Jungkook : don't worry iam here ?? Everything is going to be allright kkk princess ?? Don't worry I'll explain him every thing
He said softly with a smile nd I nodded
Y/n: hmmm
Jungkook : let's go talk to him ?? He if asked anything about me I'll explain okkk??
I take a deep breath nd start walking to towards him nd stand infront of him still kookie beside me ??
Y/n: baby.. why are you hear??
No reply
I tried to ask normally but fuck I shutter badly ?? kookie squeeze my hands softly in an assureing way ?? I close my eyes for a few seconds to calm my nerve ?? Nd open my eyes to look at him ??
Y/n : what happened baby ?? You didn't answer me ??
These time I succeed to say without shuttering ??
Taehyung : why ?? Jungkook is allowed come here these late and Iam not ??
He said bitterly I was going to answer but kookie was faster thn me to rply
Jungkook: hyung .. it's not what you r thinking ? We jst..
But he words got cut off by taehyung
Taehyung: i didn't ask you jungkook ?? Did I ??
Taehyung chuckled physcoticly nd continued his words
Taehyung : iam talking to my girlfriend ?? Nd iam expecting an answer from her ?? So don't you think it's better if you allowed her to answer coz iam her fucking boyfriend not you??
He said bitterly with an sacrastic tone ?? He said boyfriend with more stren voice?? Nd I can sense tht things are starting to get heat up ?? Before this matter will get out of control I decided to step in ??
Y/n: no baby you can come whenever you what ?? I don't have any problem??
I tried my best to speak as normal as I can ?? Coz fuck iam nervous as hell
Taehyung: jst like you didn't stop him to come here this late??
He said with an unknown expression I tried to read his face to figure out what's going inside his mind ?? but I didn't find anything his face is blank ?? Tht means danger??
Y/n : baby , no ..I
I got cut of by kookie
Jungkook : no Hyung we j...
Kookie got cut off by taehyung
Taehyung: I didn't asked you jungkook.. ?? I told you tht iam talking with girlfriend ?? Didn't I??
These time he said between gritting his teeth now I can see his expression which is angry ?? He is angry very angry..
Y/n : baby listen to me please ?? Calm down okk??
Taehyung: awww why should I y/n when there's nothing to calm down ?? Iam not angry ?? So there's no need for me to calm down ?? Right ??
He said with a creepy smile ?? These time I noticed something ?? Which I ignored these whole time ?? All these time during our conversation he didn't look at me nor kookie he is looking at one particular direction so I fallow his gaze nd fuck?? My hands is intertwined with kookie ?? Fuck how can I didn't paid attention ?? Fuck fuck fuck .. all these time he is looking at our intertwined fingers I pulled my hand back instantly nd I see he give me a creepy smile ??
Jungkook : hyung I ...
Taehyung cut off jungkook and said
Taehyung : jungkook I want to spend some private time with my girlfriend so can you leave us alone ?? I hope you understand
He give him a smile and wink at him ?? Nd now I understand what he is trying to do?? He is trying to marking his territory ?? Taehyung nd his jealous ass??
Jungkook : but...
This time I cut him off
Y/n : yess kookie he is right you should go now it's getting late
I said honestly
Jungkook : are you sure you'll be allright by all yourself ??
Before I could reply we hear a deep chuckled which is from non other thn my boyfriend??
Taehyung : you don't have to worried about her jungkook for tht Iam here ?? Her boyfriend ?? Nd as long as She is with me she is safe ?? Nd don't worry I'll not eat her ?? Nd even if I'll eat her she'll not mind ryt baby ??
Taehyung said with a smile nd wink at him ?? Taehyung wrap his hand around my waist possessively ?? Nd whn I didn't reply he give my waist a frim squeeze ?? Nd in return I nod??
Y/n : iam allright kookie you should go now ?? Iam safe with him ??
I assured him with a smile
Jungkook : but ...
Again taehyung cut him off
Taehyung : no buts?? jungkook you should leave now ??
These time kookie look at me for assurance nd give I him a genuine smile for assureing him tht everything is allright nd iam fine ?? But in reality iam nervous like hell ? I don't know how he'll react ?? What's going on in his mind ?? I feel like it's an silence before strom ?? But I hope these will be not the case ??
Jungkook didn't say anything further he waved his goodbye nd went inside his car nd left from their ?? Nd in an instant his car vanish away from my sight ?? Nd I keep looking at tht direction ??I flinched when his grip on my waist tighten my body get stiffened in one place I forget to move when I heard him say ??
Taehyung :why??

I only want you. Kill Me Nd Leave Me. ( Completed)
RomanceBook status : COMPLETED ⚠️THESE IS UNDER HEAVY EDITING⚠️ Madness series Book 1 warning ⚠️ 21+ toxic relationship self harm obsession Misunderstanding how far you'll go to love someone?? how much can u endure to be with someone?? sometimes the most b...