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Next day
Kim mansion..
At morning 6:45 am

Jungkook wake up early nd saw the most beautiful face he always dreamt of.. he wish to wake up daily jst by seeing this person beside him , he stared at her with an smile , while removing her messy hair from her face nd tugging her hair softly behind her ears, he looks at the hickey he made on her neck last night with an proud smile..

Jungkook : good morning princess..

He give an instant peck on her lips so tht it didn't wake her up.. nd no one other thn him knows what he jst did.. he smiles when y/n stirred a lil nd scrunched her nose cutely but she didn't wake up nd again went to sleep..

Jungkook: I love you so much princess.. you can't even imagine.. what I am doing jst to have you like this?? Jst to be with you everyday..

He said while creasing her cheeks with nd sweet smile.. without knowing tht there's someone standing in the door while looking at the whole senerio with shocked expression.. tht person jst keep looking at the whole scene , didn't know how to react, coz when he comes to wake up jungkook he smiles after seeing them cuddling each other coz cuddling with your friends is not wrong they also used to cuddle with eachother nd sometimes with their lil sis also, so he thinks it's the same type of cuddles they share ..

he was Fully aware of the incidents happen in the cafeteria.. nd he knows tht they both need to talk nd shot it out. So he smiles after seeing them with eachother he thinks maybe they have clarified their misunderstanding nd doubts nd again became friends.. at first he decided to not disturb them nd let them Sleep for sometime nd admire their cute interaction.. but he got shocked when he saw jungkook waking up nd looking at y/n with an expression which is not the expression we used to look at ours friends nd family.. it's more thn tht, he knows his lil brother very well so it didn't take him more time to confirm the meaning behind those expression.. nd when jungkook kiss her nd said those words which he never said before his doubt became clear

Jimin: ju..n..gk..o..o..k

Thts all he managed to say.. Jimin want to say it loud but it came out jst like a mere whisper
Jungkook stop what he was doing when he hear his hyung voice.. he look at the owner of the the voice who is looking at him with the same widden eyes.. he take his hands back nd immediately stand up...

Jungkook :jimin hyung .. let me explain..

Jungkook Panickedly said while trying to explain his side.. but jimin didn't let him finish ..

Jimin : Out now..

Jimin Said sternly nd left the room.. jungkook pulled his hair in frustration nd yelled inside his mind,, coz he didn't want to wake y/n up.. he curse himself for not locking the door properly nd now jimin saw everything nd he has to explain him everything.. nah he is not afraid of these he know one day he has to face these situations but he didn't expect it to be these early ahh.. he takes few deep breath before following jimin, he knows he has to answer jimin's questions.. he follows him to the terrace jimin stands in the middle of the terrace face his back to jungkook.. he was not ready to face jungkook nd find the things he was afraid of.. jimin knows what danger it will bring if the things he is thinking now turns out to be true.. he jst wish tht his assumption are all wrong nd all the things going on in his mind turns out to be a nonsense assumption.. he jst wish tht what he saw nd hear was jst an mear misunderstanding thts all.. but he himself know the truth.. but he wants to lie to himself coz he knows what Strom it will bring to them if it turns out to be true..

I only want you.  Kill Me Nd Leave Me. ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now