A new group at Hogwarts?

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Autumn pov
It still 3rd year and James, Sirius, and Peter are acting weird. I mean very odd. I was hanging out with James,Sirius and Peter, Remus was off studying in the library. "Hey Autumn we have something to tell u" James says very nervously. "What is it that u need to tell me then boys?" I says. "Heh well we may have became animagus" Sirius Said. 'I what there animagus' I think. "Why!?!" I question. "To help u and Remus with the full moons" Peter says quietly. "What are u animagus forms then?" I ask. James turns to a Stag, Sirius turns to the grim(aka black dog), Peter turns in to a rat. Just then the boys dorm's door opens and Remus walks in. "Hi Mo-Remus" I say. 'shoot I almost call Remus Moony' "Hi Autumn, why is the a Stag,Rat, and Dog I the room?" Remus asks as he sit right next to me. "Heh well there are James, Sirius, and Peter they may have became animagus" I say nervously. The three boys turn back to human and they looked as is there were being yelled at. Remus just look like he was trying to process what is happening. 'Heh should I ask them is we could make a group' 'ya I should'. "Hay guys I have a question" I say. "What is it" Remus asked."Heh well I was wondering is we could make a little group just the five of use?" I say quietly. "U know what we should!" James said. "I have a name for the group and nicknames for all of us" I say. The four boys look at me. "The group name is The Marauder's" I say. "Nickname are Remus: Moony,James:Prongs, Sirius:Padfoot, Peter:Wormtail and me: Twitchy/Moonlight" "I like them!" Sirius Said.

Remus pov
'Autumn was plan to ask us to be a group?' 'Heh well the name Twitchy seems perfect for Autumn'. Autumn's ears and tail pop out. Autumn's tail wags like crazy and her ears twitch a few times. 'heh why is Autumn so cute, but I cant what if she won't what to date a monster like me'

Autumn's pov
'heh I should just ask Moony to meet me at the astronomy Tower tonight at 6pm ya I should do that'. Sirius,James and Peter say they have something to do and walk out the dorm. "Hey Moony can u meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 6?" Moony looks at me. "Uh sure" Remus says. "Well anyways see u later" I say as I get up and leave. It is 4 at the moment so I decide to go up and sit and wait in the astronomy Tower.

~z-2hours later~

Autumn pov
I hear foot step coming up the stairs. I look over at the stairs and see Moony coming up the stairs and walk over to me. Remus sit in front of me. "So what is it u need Autumn?" Remus asks. "I-well I like u" I says. I feel my face heat up and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing hard core right now.

Remus pov
Autumn say "I-well I like u". I feely face heat u and I'm probably look like a blushing mess. 'Autumn has a crush on me...? But why I'm a monster...'

Autumn pov
"Well Twitchy I-I like u t-too" Remus says stuttering a couple times. 'So we both like each other....'. "Autumn uhh well will u go on a date with me tomorrow at hogsmeade?" Remus asks. "YES Moony!" I say as my tail and ears pop out my tail wags like crazy.

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