The Weirdest Full moon

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Autumn pov
We were packing are thing up so we could get ready to go to the train station. "Hey Moony remember tonight is a full moon" I say as I finish packing the last things on my up. "I know it is" Remus replies back. We both were done packing so we grabs are trunks and I grabs my letter bag and we walk done stairs. James Sirius and Peter were waiting for us. "Ok so now can we go?" James ask his Mum. "Yes" Euphoria said. We all said good bye the James parents and we left for the train station.

~Time Skip~

Autumn pov
We get to the train station and we walk to 9and 3/4. We took turns walking through the wall. James, then Sirius, then Peter, then Remus and then me. The Hogwarts express was all ready there so we got in the train and found are usual compartment number 8. We also sat in are normal spot. Me and Remus next to each other
Then James Sirius and Peter In the seat across for me and Remus. I closed the door behind me. "So just to remind u three* I say as I point to James Sirius and Peter. "tonight is a full moon" I say. "Wait this will be there frist time to help u help me on a full moon!" Remus almost yelled. For the rest of the ride we just sat in silence. Before we knew it we are at Hogwarts.


Autumn pov
We walk to the Shrieking Shack. I had told then there is food we can have before Moony turns to his Warewolf form. We go to the Shrieking Shack and we quickly eat so apples. James, Sirius and Peter turn to their animagus. Me and the three boy were done stairs and Moony we up stairs. We hear him howl. "Ok so u three go up there I'll be up there in a few mins" I whisper. The three of then run up stairs in there animagus forms. I turn to my wolf form and walk up stairs. Before Moony saw me he was now sure about the Stag(aka James) Black dog(aka Sirius) and the rat(aka Peter). I watched Padfoot go flying across the room. I panicked I didn't mean to turn back my human form but I did. 'F*ck I'm dead' I think. Moony see me and walk over to me. "Hey Moo-" I get cut off by Moony as he picks me up and walk over to the foot of the bed. He sets me down. Moony the lays down and he grabs me pulling me causeing me to end up snuggling him. James Sirius and Peter all walk over and snuggle Me and Moony. I managed to turn back toy wolf form. We all fell asleep.


Autumn pov
I wake up and turn back in to my human form and then I try and get up but get pull back down by Moony. 'damnit I forget that Moony snuggle up to me last night even if I was I'm my human form and he was in his Werewolf form'. The four boys wake up after a little bit. James Sirius and Peter turned back to there human form. "Why are all of u guys snuggled up to me?" Moony asks. We tell Moony what happened last night.

Sorry for not putting up chapters for a couple days I was just very busy. Anyways Bye People.

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