12. How About a Hint?

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Like I mentioned somewhere, sometime... this story is pure fluff. So if you're expect anything else, then I don't know what to tell you.


P.S. This date is actually inspired by a real place. I didn't have the same experience as Sang and Nathan did, but it would have been awesome if I had. ;)


"Come on, Honey! Please?" It was useless at this point. "With a cherry on top?" I pouted out my bottom lip, hoping to make some sort of impact and he just laughed at my efforts. Apparently begging wasn't going to work on him. Nathan refused to give in. I huffed in frustration and settled further into my seat. We'd stopped and grabbed lunch nearly 30 minutes ago and I still hadn't a clue as to where we were headed.

"No Peanut. It's a surprise. You do know what a surprise is, right?!" He glanced at me quickly while he drove, squeezing my hand to show that he was just teasing. "You'll find out soon enough. Just have some patience, little one." He lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles. It was an innocent enough kiss, but it still made my insides flutter.

"How about a hint?" I tried to sweeten up my voice, hoping he would give in.

"Sang, no. It's a surprise. We'll be there in about fifteen minutes. Promise." He shifted in his seat to check his blind spot and switched on the turn signal, taking the next exit off the highway. Nathan expertly maneuvered the car down rural streets, further into some back roads and deeper into the woods. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later he pulled the car into a remote, gravel covered parking lot in, what seemed to be, the middle of nowhere. "Alright sweetie, we're here." He shifted the car into park and unbuckled before instructing me to wait for him as he jogged around the car and opened my door. I peeked around while I waited, checking out the surroundings. All I could see were trees, trees and more trees. There weren't any signs to hint at our location. Where had he taken me? The opening door startled me from my musings.

Nathan reached down, helped me from the car and then grabbed our bags from the back seat. Smiling brightly, he tugged on my hand and pulled me from the car. "Come on, Sang! You're going to love this. It's right up your alley." His wink brought back the flutters I had felt earlier. I didn't care where he was taking me; if he led, I would most certainly follow.

Watching as Nathan tugged on a large pack, I couldn't help but admire his broad chest and strong shoulders. His biceps and forearms rippled and strained under the bulk of the overflowing pack as he slung it over his shoulders and I couldn't look away. He was a magnificent specimen of the male form. He caught me staring and gave me a half smirk before he helped me into my own, much smaller bag. Gripping the shoulder straps of my pack, he gently tugged, pulling me closer into his personal space. With his quick motion, I brought my hands up to rest on Nathan's strong chest in order to regain my balance. I was embarrassed with my clumsy behavior and tucked my chin to hide my flaming cheeks. Gently, Nathan grasped my chin between his fingers and forced my gaze to meet his own. So slowly, he leaned over and rested his nose along my temple and breathed in deeply. Softly, his lips pressed into the space his nose had just been. It was sweet and tender, and made me long for his lips in other places. His voice broke me out of the trance his body had put me into. "Just you and me now, Peanut. Let's go have some fun." Stepping back, Nathan slid his hands down and along my arms, clasped my hand and led me towards the back corner of the lot. As we walked further from the car and closer toward the woods, I noticed an opening in the tree line on our right. It seemed that was where we were headed.

Nathan led me towards the footpath, squeezing my hand as we passed over the trail head and looking over his shoulder to give me a reassuring grin. "Off we go, Peanut. No turning back now." He raised his eyebrows and his grin turned into a playful smirk. "Are you ready for this?"

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