8. Slumber Party

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“CANON BALL!” Luke, Nathan and Gabriel came barreling around the corner, big smiles stretched across their faces. I sat on the edge of the pool, taking a break from all the racing and flipping.  As it stood, I would be fulfilling favors to the guys for the next decade, but I didn’t care. For once in my life, I was really and truly happy. The boys had become my life. They were everything and I didn’t know what I would do without them. I could only hope that life would stay like this for, well… forever.

Silas walked through the pool towards me, standing in between my legs and resting his hands on the edge of the pool at my sides. “Aggele mou, want to race to see who cooks dinner?” He grinned beatifically at me, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips. Silas leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“No way. I’m exhausted. I’ll just concede defeat now.” All the boys started laughing and cheering.

“Miss Sang, what did I say about that giggle? You have to think about the safety of our boys here. You giggle, they giggle. Next thing you know they’re choking on water, people are drowning… and I can only save one person at a time. It’d be complete chaos.” Dr. Sean shook his head at me in mock frustration, and it only caused me to giggle harder. I just couldn’t help myself.

By now Nathan, Luke and Gabe had made their way back to the surface. “Hey sweetie, did I hear something about you making dinner? If so, I’m putting in a request.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that Luke?” I managed to get out.

“Taco Soup, duh! What else is there?” He reached over blindly to bump fists with Gabriel, who also didn’t need to look over to make contact… it was kind of crazy, really.

“Sure, I guess. Do you have everything here, Nathan?” I looked over at him as I asked.

“Sure do, Peanut.”

“Looks like today’s your lucky day, Luke. Taco Soup it is!” There was a collective cheer from the group at my proclamation, which started my giggles all over again.

After bellies were full, dishes were done and pajamas were donned, we met up in the living room to start a movie and wind down for sleep. The coffee table had been pushed aside and blankets and pillows had been piled in the middle of the room. I was the last to arrive and all the guys sat around on the floor waiting for me. They all looked and smiled when I walked it, making my face tint. North patted the spot next to him. “Come here, Sang Baby. Sit by me.” He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me down next to him. Before I had even settled he wrapped his arms around me and promptly pulled me into his lap. “There.” He kissed the side of my neck, causing shivers to travel up and down my body. “Much better.” He whispered into my sensitive skin. Trying to cover up the reactions he was causing I burrowed deeper into the comfort of his arms.

“Oy! No fucking way are you going to monopolize Sang all night.” Gabe actually looked serious. “Give her here!” He reached over and pulled me into his lap.

“Actually, Princess wants to sit with me. Don’t you darling?” Victor plucked me gently from Gabriel. Something told me this was turning into a game.

“Hell no she doesn’t! Isn’t that right sweetie? You were planning on sitting with me, weren’t you?” Luke pretended to pout as he snatched me out of Victor’s lap. “Perfect.” He hummed as he settled his arms around my waist.

Kota huffed next to Luke. “Give her here. I haven’t had her all day.” He smiled down at me as I relaxed into his embrace.

Nathan laughed, not saying a word as he snatched me for himself. He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead as we waited for Silas to steal me away.

“No fair, my Angel. He gets you to himself all day tomorrow. Come here.” Silas tugged me onto his lap. As I settled myself in, he cupped my chin and touched his lips tenderly to mine. It was perfectly sweet and I almost felt bad for wanting to stay here, in his lap… for just a bit longer.

I was vaguely aware of the groaning. “Hey now. None of that, Silas. You’re making us all jealous. Besides, you get to do this all the time. I, on the other hand,” Dr. Sean continued to talk while he settled me in, “don’t” Sean nuzzled my neck and I was so stunned I couldn’t respond. Dr. Green had never done this before, I was shocked. We’d hugged, sure, but he’d never held me like this. Sean’s arms were wrapped firmly around my waist, and I could feel the hard planes of his chest pressed firmly to my back. It was extremely comfortable.

“Now, now Dr. Green,” All our heads turned at the sound of Mr. Blackbourne’s voice. He was in the process of removing his jacket, loosening his tie and rolling up his sleeves. When had he come in? “I think if anyone needs more quality time with Miss Sorenson, we can all attest that person is me.” My face burst into flames as Mr. Blackbourne settled himself next to Sean and looked at him expectantly. Hesitantly, Sean’s grip on me loosened and Mr. Blackbourne’s smile was nearly full blown as he stole me away. Mr. Blackbourne’s grip tightened around me and it sounded like he sighed in contentment as I sank further into his embrace. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I peeked around his arms to look at the rest of the boys, and could see they were as shocked as I was.

“Well, were we or weren’t we going to watch a movie this evening? Mr. Griffin, if you would.” Mr. Blackbourne’s voice left no room for questions and seemed to snap everyone into action. Nathan jumped up and inserted an action flick. Amidst the commotion of the boys rearranging bedding and making themselves more comfortable, Mr. B traced the tip of his nose along the shell of my ear, causing my breathing to hitch and my heart to race. As Nathan returned to his seat he caught my gaze, raising his eyebrows at me, asking if I was ok. I nodded minutely and settled in for what promised to be one of the best movies ever.

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