10. Nut'n Honey

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After breakfast Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Sean excused themselves for Academy business and work, giving me heart stopping hugs as the left. Mr. Blackbourne held on a little longer than usual, whispering in my ear before slowly releasing me from his arms. “Keep my team in line, Ms. Sorensen. If anyone can do it, it’s you.” I could only dumbly nod my head.

Sean chuckled and scooped me up into his arms. “Ok, Pookie. You have fun today, that’s an order.” He paused and seemed to think his words over. “Have fun, but not too much fun.” He seemed reluctant to let me go. And I was right there with him. I was really sad to see Owen and Sean leave. As a group, we were always having so much fun and it seemed that those two missed out the most. Just thinking about it made me frown.

Gabriel smacked me on my behind, snapping me out of my dark thoughts. I let out a small squeak, and moved to protect my assets from another attack.“Oy, Trouble! Let’s march that tiny hiney of yours home. You got another hot date to get ready for.” When I turned to gape at Gabriel, he was smiling shamelessly and Luke was laughing hysterically beside him. These boys.

“Watch it, μαλάκα. You better keep those hands to yourself, or else you’ll need to learn to style her hair with your toes.” Silas was unnaturally sharp, reprimanding Gabriel like he did. I wasn’t sure what Silas said exactly, but the way North’s head snapped around to see what was going on, I’m sure it wasn’t very nice.  I turned to catch Silas’ eye, my brows furrowed in worry. He just shook his head at me, giving a little smirk and quickly focused his attention on wiping down the countertops. What was going on with my boys this morning?

Nathan, who was in the middle of sweeping the kitchen floor, looked up from his duties. “Gabe, we already talked about this.” He sounded very impatient. “The things that I have planned today, Sang doesn’t need to get all dolled up for.” Nathan looked over at me and winked, turning my insides all mushy. “She looks great just the way she is. In fact, we could head out now. Whaddya’ say, Peanut? You ready to go on our ‘hot date’?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down playfully at me, causing a blush to bloom across my cheeks and a slight giggle to escape my lips. I was speechless for a moment. The way that his eyes seemed to smolder at me was doing funny things to my body. Tingles started low in my belly, and began spreading outward. I gripped the counter in fear that my trebling knees might topple me over.

From over by the sink, Kota cleared his throat, shaking me out of my haze and focusing our attention on him. “What DO you have planned for today, Nathan? I never did get the chance to hear.” Kota looked curiously over at the man in question, waiting for an answer as he dutifully washed dishes. Next to him, Victor dried a plate with a wicked smirk on his face. Obviously, he’d already heard.

Nathan just started laughing. “Nice try dude, but I’m not telling you now. It’s a surprise, and it’s going to stay that way. If you all want to talk about it when we’re gone that’s fine by me, but” he made a motion as if he were zipping up his mouth, “my lips are sealed.” He continued to smile and chuckle to himself. His behavior was rather amusing. Nathan seemed lighter this morning. Usually, Nathan was a rather happy, positive person but this morning there was something ‘other’ about him. When he caught me peeking at him, Nathan sent me a sinful wink. I needed to get out of here before I lost all cognitive thought and seriously embarrassed myself.

“I’m ready to go when you are Gabe. Should we head out now?” I bit my bottom lip, not wanting to upset Nathan, or any of the others. The smile that Gabe shot Nathan seemed to say, ‘Ha! Told you so!’ He reached out and grasped my hand with his own.

“Come on, Trouble. Let’s ditch these losers and go have some fun.” They guys all good-naturedly shouted their disapproval as Gabe pulled me toward the front door.  I didn’t want to laugh, because I didn’t think ANY of my boys were losers but the conspiratorial look on Gabe’s face was simply adorable.

“Hey! We’re coming too!” Luke jumped up from his seat and jogged after us, a big goofy grin on his face. I halted to a stop so that the others could walk with us, and Gabe huffed in annoyance. But when I peeked over at him, he smiled and winked letting me know he was just teasing.

“Yeah, wait up Princess.” Victor was more subdued.

“Baby.” North and Silas came around the corner followed by Kota and Nathan. “Silas, Kota and I are headed out to go work the afternoon shift at Uncle’s. We’ll see you later ok?” As North spoke, he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and I was forced to drop Gabe’s hand as I returned his hug. North buried his face in my neck, just breathing deeply for a few seconds. As he pulled away, his lips trailed sweet kisses up my neck. “Have fun today, baby girl. I’ll be thinking about you.” With those words North’s lips caressed my cheek and he made room for the next person to say goodbye.

Kota cupped the sides of my face, brushing his nose against mine. It was the sweetest kind of torture. Our lips were so close; all I would have had to do was press forward an inch and our lips would finally meet. But Kota gently turned my head to the side and kissed the corner of my mouth. Pulling back, Kota captured my gaze. “Have fun with the guys. Be safe for me ok?” I nodded my head, unable to glance away.

Before I was fully able to snap out of it, Silas picked me up in one of his famous hugs. Nothing could touch me when I was in the safety of his arms. I couldn’t help it when a sigh passed between my lips. My face was pressed into Silas’ neck and he shivered as my breath danced over his sensitive skin. “Aggele.” His voice was gruff and I understood. I was just as affected as he was. Maybe more so.

Kota, Silas and North walked out the door, saying goodbye to the others. As Victor, Luke and Gabe looked to me, I looked to Nathan asking with my eyes if he was going to join us.

“Sorry, Peanut. I’d love to join you guys but I’ve got some things to get ready for later.” He reached out, grabbing my hands and giving them a little shake. “But I’ll see you in a couple hours, Ok?”

“Ok, Honey. I’ll see you soon then.” I was a little more than sad that he wouldn’t be joining us but I managed a small smile.

Nathan leaned in, pressing our foreheads together and spoke softly to me. “That’s my girl. It’s just you and me later. My Peanut and her Honey.”

I couldn’t wait.

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