9. Sanity Check

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I’m torn from my peaceful slumber the following morning to the shouts of Luke and Gabriel. Before I can even fully register what in the heck is going on, I’m smothered by more than one hard body, who began a relentless barrage of tickling. Their laughter drowns out my silent giggles and I struggle to pull in a decent breath. They aren’t hurting me and seem to be taking extra care to support most of their own weight and while I appreciate their effort, if they don’t stop soon I’m afraid I might embarrass myself in front of all my boys.  But I don’t have to worry for long. North comes to my rescue with all the subtlety of an air horn.

“What the fuck!? Get the hell off of her!” Immediately, the weight of the boys was gone and I was finally able to take in a full breath. “Damn it. You shit heads could have really hurt Sang. What the hell is wrong with you two?” North wasn’t pleased by their charades, but then when is he ever? Secretly, I’m delighted by his protective nature. He worries about me, so I know he cares. North reached his hand down and pulled me to standing. Luke and Gabe grumbled on the other side of the room, clearly upset at North’s proclivity of overprotection when it comes to all things Sang.

“We were just playing, Bro. Geez.”

“Yeah man, take a fucking chill pill. Like we’d ever do anything to hurt our Trouble.”

Tenderly, North cupped my cheeks, brushing his thumbs along my skin, checking me over for injuries. “Baby, are you ok? Did they hurt you?”

I shook my head in silent response. “Thanks, North. But I’m ok.” I smile to reassure him. “We were just having a little fun.” He scowled. I didn’t like it when any of my boys were upset so I stood up on my toes and to give him a tiny peck on the cheek, hoping to see a smile. I wasn’t disappointed. “I’m hungry. Should we make some breakfast? Maybe some chocolate chip pancakes? Hmmm?” I was giggling towards the end, knowing he wouldn’t like my suggestion and I was full out laughing when his smile immediately turned into a grimace.

Luke had been listening and whooped in delight, running towards the kitchen with gusto. Our little performance had woken the rest of the group and they all greeted me good morning while we all sleepily stumbled our way towards the promise of food.

Silas hung back from the group, watching as his brothers made their way passed me, to make their way into the kitchen. When we were alone, he grabbed me around the waist for a good morning hug. Silas nuzzled into the crook of my neck, taking in a deep breath. “Good morning, Aggele. Did you sleep good,αγάπημου?” Silas pulled back enough so that he could look me in the eyes. I nodded my head, and smiled.

“Yes, thank you, Silas. How-“ But I was cut off. Silas’ lips descended on my own. Gently, his soft lips caressed and suckled and I was putty in his hands. We hadn’t had time alone since our date and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for another opportunity like this. With just a kiss, Silas was able to say so much. You make me happy. I cherish you and will do anything to keep you safe- he seemed to say. I hoped that he could feel the same thing from me, because it was all true.

Someone cleared their throat behind us, and I jerked away from Silas’ lips and buried my face in his expansive chest, mortified to have been caught in such an intimate moment. “Princess, Luke and North are arguing over what to cook and I think that you’re the only one who can calm things down. We need you in here.” When I turned to look, Victor was staring at the floor and the tips of his ears were pink. He wouldn’t even look at us, at me. Was he mad? How do I fix this? I wanted to groan. This adventure had barely begun, and already things were so tricky. Juggling multiple relationships was no easy feat.

I blew out an exasperated breath and Silas gripped my hand, shaking it just a little to grab my attention. “Don’t worry, sweet girl. You did nothing wrong. He’ll get over it. His time will come.” Silas’ words were meant to comfort, and while sweet they didn’t make me feel any better.

Nine boys. Was I crazy to be attempting this?

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