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Kay: "Awe thank you

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Kay: "Awe thank you. Look Jasper is even around your neck."

Kay was excitedly showing Viper her plushie. Viper was handling his with care, even though he tried to hid how happy he was to have it.

Viper: "Sure thank I guess. No the only time we know another language is if we are taught, I believe it's the same for all slayers."


Blake was sitting next to Lucas making sure he was ok.

Mario: "I know it was a prank because I would have smelled a different in Blake's sent if she was. However I still had to warn Lucas what would happen if and possibly when he did get her pregnant."

Lucas: "That's fair."

Gallren: "I've always slayed and always will."

She did a mock hair flip with her hand when she quickly took over Lucas's body.


Brandon: "Thanks."

Brandon that's that as flat as his voice usually is when hes unamused.

Ritchie: "Knowing our guild we'd need it. We only really know if our devils teach us, or we find a book and translate it."

Suddenly everyone ate the brownies before they all fought. That battle lasted for hours, Ech coming out on top.

(Thank you all for sticking with me I really appreciate it more then you know!)

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