ask and dare

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(You shouldn't have mentioned the bear)

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(You shouldn't have mentioned the bear)

Plant shooked there has at the pet. They did want one at however taking care of apple Lucas was too much work. Lucas fell face first when he returned back to normal.

Lucas: "Thank you for taking good care of me Plant."

Plant: "Papa back."


Everyone in Divinus Magia was training up their magic. Ritchie was off to the side as he was training, the others wouldn't stop looking to him or making mean comments (David).  Ritchie ties his best to exnore them but they kept coming and he was getting babied.

Ritchie: "Will stop looking at me!"

Blake: "We just want to make sure you're ok."

Ritchie: "I'm no kid!"

David: "Sorry, no I'm not,  but yes you are. Now how about we get you come PB&J and you watch the big kids play. "

Lucas: "David! But you should take a break because we don't want you pushing yourself wern you're this young."

Ritchie: "No, I can keep going! I'm a leader n has too!"

They all kept going back and forth until Ritchie's lightning exploded and hit Mario, knocking him to the ground.

Almost everyone: "MARIO/BIG BRO!"

Inmo: "Did Sir Ritchie kill Mario like freen Lo'Pho?!"

Ritchie started to shake as lightning kept sparking and hitting on and around him.

Ritchie: "I sorry... I sorry."

His voice was so low as tears gathered in his eyes, he was slowly backing away.

Brandon: "It's ok."

Kit: "It's not ok Mario is hurt!"

Lucas: "I can heal him some, he got lucky and had his dragon scale armor active. If it was anyone else they could have died."

Blake: "Hey where you going?"

David: "You cant just leave Mister, you need to apologize."

Ritchie: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...sorry."

Brandon: "Its ok."

Everyone tried to get closer, but the lightning hurt them. Seeing this Ritchie tried to run, only to fall and cry his heart out. He repeatedly said sorry.

The others looked at Ritchie like he was an alien, not being used to seeing him cry. Slowly Blake and Brandon managed to get to Ritchie. Brandon gently held him close.

Ritchie: "Sorrysorry, I'm sorrysorrysosososorry."

Brandon: "It's ok, you didn't mean it, shh."

Blake: "Yea, accidents happen and look he's ok."

Mario was sitting up with the help of Lucas. It took a while but they did manage to calm Ritchie down.

Brandon: "That is enough for today, everyone get cleaned up."

Before going home Mario went up to Ritchie and rubbed his head to let him know that he's ok and doesn't blame him. That ot was his fault for not moving and standing in water.


Inmo was sleeping by Bjorns statue when magic restricters and chains were put on him. He couldn't talk as his mouth was covered. The evil duers were about to leave with him whena bear suddenly K.O the bad guys. The bear ate the evil men before taking Imno to the bed he placed by the statue.

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