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Inmo turned to normal when he reaches where he and Bjorn trained

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Inmo turned to normal when he reaches where he and Bjorn trained. When he saw the alcohol Inmo got hearts in his eyes as he danced and drunk.


Ritchie woke up as his brother was carrying him through the garden.

Ritchie: "Mmm, Brandon?"

Brandon: "Morning sleepy head."

Ritchie: "Where are you taking me and what happened?"

Brandon: "I was going to take you to bed, but now you are awake I don't have to. You feel asleep on Devin."

Brandon put Ritchie down just was Mario was nudging Kit along.

Brandon: "What do we owe this pleasure to?"

Mario: "Kit has a dare."

Kit grumbled as she hugged Ritchie. Ritchie only had a second to look confused before smoke engulfed him. Kit hurried and got away just as Ritchie was covered. When the smoke cleared a smol child with ears and a tail in oversized clothing was where Ritchie was.

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