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Our future lies ahead of us!

Zatannas POV:


I jolted awake from my wonderful slumber. "UgH WhaT!" I shouted at the door, already knowing who it is.

Silence follows but only for a second before she speaks. "Zee wake up!"
I rolled the sleepy eyes with much annoyance. "I am awake Uraraka! No need to make noise." I called to her, but the bitch wasn't having it.

"I'm gonna break down the door if you don't get up now!" Sweet Jesus this girl is going to kill me. How have I been able to deal with her this long.
"Uraraka you will do no such thing!" I sat up in bed.
"I'm gonna do it!" she warned. I just sighed and continued to look at the door. "Yeah right!" she's totally gonna do it. "Three!" Her voice was softer, she's standing back. I dragged my hand over my face and cursed this stupid but loveable girl on the other side of the door. There are times I'm happy she's in my life... Now however is not one of them.

"Two!!!" She was in a starting position to ram into the door with full force, well as much force as her small self could conjur up. "Uraraka I swear to God!" I rolled my eyes even harder now and slowly got out of bed. My white hair in a mess as always.

"ONE!!!!" I heard her steps getting closer with a speed.
Sign. "Nepo eht rood!" The door swung open and Uraraka tumbled, rolled, stopped and remained unmoving.
She looked like a dead body at a crime scene. Now where's my chalk.
I calmly walked up to her and bent down, poking her head in the process. "You good." She head bobbed a little. "No- th- WA- UnNes-!" I leaned closer to her, "What was that?" Her head lifted slowly like those comedy movies do... Her face was red from the carpet burn mouth in a straight line. "THAT WAS UNNECESSARY WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!" The words of venom came out in rivers.

The wind from the force alone pushed my hair back and styled it perfectly straight. "Thanks you saved me 10 minutes." I patted her head and got up to change. She was completely speechless.

I had my back turned to her, she stood up with a dark shadow over her eyes. A sweat drop formed.


After this mornings attack we made our way to school. The clouds covered the once beautiful blue sky, maybe the rain will visit us. "Do you think it'll rain?" I whispered to her. She looked up at the sky and a light smile appeared upon her lips. "Perhaps, we didn't bring our umbrellas though?!" Oh... She's got a point.
"Let's hope it doesn't then!" We chuckled and nudged each other the rest of the way to school.

We shared most classes, it was mostly just us together. We didn't really make friends with the other kids. Many weren't approachable and some didn't look like they wanted to be friends. We were content with each other, that's all that really mattered.

A conversation was going around the class about our futures. Everyone said their part. The teacher looked at me and beckoned me to talk. She knew I was shy but I desided to speak anyways.
"Um I have dreams of becoming a hero, which I'm sure most of us do... I just want to make my dad proud and protect people as best as I can." The teacher smiled her kind and warm smile. Students appluaused while others did nothing. I know I don't like talking much but it feels nice to see people happy for me.

Then that one boy desided to open his mouth. Something about he will be the best or whatever, if I remember correctly he had some sort of water quirk. I didn't pay him much mind.

The bell rang not long after, everyone vacated the room in mere minutes.

"Zatanna, could you please come here!" I looked up from my bag, my heart pounded. Did I do something wrong. No wait... I haven't done anything at all... Hmm.

I turned to Uraraka,"you go ahead I'll be right there." I smiled, she nodded and left the room.
I made my way to the desk, my hands in my pockets as I waited for her to talk. "I'm proud of you you know?" her first words too me by surprise.
I looked up at her, her beautiful forest green eyes beaming at me. Her horns upon her head distracting as per usual.
"You are? I'm sorry to say there's not much to be proud of... I haven't done anything yet!" she chuckled, her laugh made me nervous. My cheeks went red with embarrassment.
"You determination says otherwise. I know your quite, but I see the true soul of a hero in you. You just need time and I guarantee you this!"
She pointed to my heart. "Follow what this says to you, your future lies ahead of you... So go for it." She smiled at me before going back to her work.

I smiled and thanked her before leaving to catch up with Uraraka.

Oh great... It's raining.

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