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Good and Evil

"Looks like our little game is getting a continued!"

The man stood up, "after all this waiting the heroic piece of trash shows up."

All Might was not smiling, he was beyond intimidating at this point. He looks pissed. He tore off his tie and threw away his jacket. The villains by the staircase were taken out in the flash of an eye. He took them out in less than a second.
This is why he was number one.

He had Mr Aizawa in his arms as well. He turned around to look at his, then we were all next to him out the water and away from the villains. I blinked before realsing where we were.
The also got a good hit on the guy with the hands.

"Everyone back to the entrance! And take Aizawa with you!" there was no room for complaining or objecting.

"Yes sir!" "Ribbit" Tsu and I went over to Aizawa to help him up. Midoriya said something to All Might then walked over to us. I grabbed Mr Aizawas legs, Midoriya got his front.

"All Might you can't! He ah- I smashed him and he wasn't phased!"
"Young Midoriya! I got this!!!" All Might posed. All Might was powerful he doesn't need our help!

"Midoriya we have to go!" I called to him. He looked away from All Might, remembering the situation at hand for Mr Aizawa and complied. He carted him towards the stairs, leaving All Might to deal with the Villains.

As we walked away we could hear All Mights punches and the shock waves coming from them. A cloud formed from another one of his smashes!

"That powers is insane!" I said to them. Tsu agreed with me but Midoriya was in his own world.
"All Mights unstoppable!" Tsu added in, we shouted praises towards the fight, helping All Might in any way possible.

We all looked back and saw the horror after the smoke cleared. All Might was holding the creature through a Portal. It was holding his sides, squeezing so hard blood was showing. It was truly a horrible sight.

All Might could die today...

He was clawing at the creatures hands, desperately trying to break free. The warp gates were closing slowly, what were they doing...

"Oh my God!" I said aloud. "They're going to kill him." tears were forming now. I'm surprised I could still cry.
"Yeah Midoriya?"
"Can you carry Mr Aizawa for me?"

She walked over and took Mr Aizawa off his hands, "Midoriya what are you doing?!" I panicked I know that look of his, please don't do it Midoriya!

Midoriya ran towards him, I couldn't tell if he was being courages or stupid!
I called out to him, "Midoriya you idiot!!! What are you doing!" Tsu called me. "Ribbit hey we have to get Mr Aizawa out of here first! Midoriya is smart, come on!" I reluctantly followed her, but my focus was still on Midoriya running towards the action. When he makes it out of here... I'm gonna kill him.

Thank God luck was on our side, before Midoriya got himself killed Bakugo, Todoroki and Kiri intervened.

With the strongest in the class there I could breathe a little easier. Now I don't need to risk my life for a stupid green haired boy. I would risk my life for anyone in class, that's just the kind of person I am... Sometimes sacrifices are needed to be made, that's just life.

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