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Everything was dark. My head was aching, my body felt so weak and stiff.
My eyes twitched open only to strain against the harsh light. I groan out and slowly leaned up on my elbows.

I was in the nurses office, beds in front of me were empty. I looked to my right and saw the small healing hero Recovery Girl typing away at her computer. She looked over at me hearing my groans.

"Why hello there!" she got off her seat and walked over to me slowly. "How you feeling?"

I reached up to my temples and rubbed them. "Ah my head hurts..."
She hummed, "You didn't need a lot of healing, I managed to take care of your wound on your chest but the headache comes from your body trying to heal itself thanks to my power. How here!" she handed me a small tablet.

"Take this and then you can leave." I thanked her, she only hummed and walked to the left of me. Midoriya was next to me and I didn't even see him.

I got out the bed slowly and walked over to him. "Will he be Okey?" I asked her.

"He'll be fine, it'll take awhile for him to wake up but he will do fine... All Might came in here about 2 hours ago to check on you two. Well done on your victory..."

"Thank you so much, and thank you for treating me!" I bowed to her.
I looked to Midoriya for one more time before leaving her office.
I was on the other side of the school to my class so it would be a long quiet walk. I looked out at the sunset, beautiful as always. I missed my afternoon classes, I hope Mr Aizawa is feeling merciful...

When I eventually made it to the class just as I opened the door Bakugo stormed through it. "Outta my way extra!" I stepped aside and watched him leave with his bag. I know he lost but that doesn't mean he has to be such an asshole.

I walked through the door and was greeted by Iida. "Zatanna! You're here thank goodness you're alright. Uraraka, Momo and I were so nervous for you when you didn't wake up!"
He was spitting out words so fast I couldn't understand him mostly. I only laughed at him. He was shocked at my response to his yaping.

"You're adorable Iida! Thank you for worrying about me!" He pushed his glasses up and continued "Yes well I must be a good classmate and check on all my peers-ugh!" he stopped when he felt my embrace.
I was hugging him around the waist, head on his chest resting there.

"I ah I um..." he mumbled but didn't push me off. He looked away because of his blushing cheeks.

I finally let go. "Thanks for being my friend Iida!" I smiled up at him. He bowed back "Of course... Zatanna."
I looked behind him to see Momo at her desk. I needed to talk to her. I brushed past Iida and made my way to her. I said hello to Jiro, Tokoyami and Ojiro on my way there.

She was so preoccupied in her book she didn't see me next to her.

I leaned down to her, "What you reading?" she gasped and nearly fell out her desk. "Oh Zatanna, it's you!" she rested her hand on her chest. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you!"
She smiled at me "No worries at all, it's just a book I use for my quirk... But I'm glad you're Okey, I came to get you when the alarm rang out but I found you passed out. I panicked but then All Might came in and asked Iida to take you to Recovery Girl!"

"I'm glad I had you as my partner Momo, and Iida took me to the nurses office?" I blinked at her, she nodded back. I turned slightly to look at Iida who was scolding Tokoyami for sitting on the table.

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