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Chasing the dream.

I was busy doing homework listening to Doja Cat Streets. What! I may look shy on the outside but I'm a freak on the inside.

"Damn papa, you a rare weed, no comparing and it's motherfu-!!!" My skeleton basically jumped out my skin.
Uraraka scared me to Death. She had some sort of site on her phone. She was frantically jumping looking determined to have my full attention.
I lowered the headphones and raised an eyebrow waiting for her to speak.

I caught absolutely none of that. "Uraraka... Take a breather, I know you can't talk properly when you are excited... It's honestly worse than you puking."
She looked like she wanted to say something but continued her other sentence. "We have to apply to U.A!" I blinked at her. "And why should we do that?" it was her turn to Blink at me.
"Because it's the most prestigious hero school here in our very own city! We want to be the heros of the future, U.A is the best way to do that!" I snickered at her. I didn't want to be rude, U.A is the best of the best but it's impossible for us to get there. The entrance exams alone are extremely difficult.
"I don't know Uraraka-" I looked up at her, her face was puffed up, tears brimming. Oh God. Please don't do this to me.

"When are they opening for the entrance exams?" She looked relieved to say the least. She wiped away her tears and I think some snot. I fake gaged at her, she released a scream of rage and jumped me. "HAA-!!" We went tumbling to the floor. She sat on my chest and choked me! "Ahk akk ka!!" I couldn't breathe with this bitch on my chest. "OkEy!! Get off me!"

She let go and jumped to her feet in triumph. She helped me up, I rubbed my throat sore from her surprisingly strong grip. "Damn Uraraka I feel sorry for the next person who pisses you off." She only laughed at me.
We both sat on the bed and read over the info we could find out about the entrance exams. Maybe this could work. I mean I'll need to talk to dad about it, hopefully it will go well.

Dad came home later that night to find Urarakas feet by my face and my feet by her face. I layed on my stomach and she layed on her back. We both were snoring, bubbles blew out our noses.

Dad covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing. He's happy his son has something to care of him when he wasn't there. He couldn't thank Uraraka enough. He closed the door quietly went to his room and passed out before he could even change his clothes.

The next morning Uraraka and I had eggs and bacon for breakfast. Her parents were away for the weekend so shes staying with us in the time being.
Dad come through to the kitchen. "Morning dad! Want some bacon?" I turned the pan to him so he could witness this glorious piece of food.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes," Ya sure!" he waved and made his way to the coffee machine. Ah yes, coffee is most important, coffee is life.

After talking till late hours at night with Uraraka, we've desided that we wanted to enter U.A. We understand that this is no easy thing. Getting into U.A is quite difficult but we were up for the challenge. I wanted to talk to dad about it. He understood that I wanted to be a hero so badly, I don't know if he expected us to go to this extreme though.

I looked at Uraraka, she only nodded. She didn't want to talk for me and I was greatful for that. I looked to dad, his back to me still trying to pour the milk into the coffee. I inhaled a massive breath before releasing the burning question.

"Dad... I want to enter U.A!"

Oh shoot. He stopped pouring the milk. Oh God I'm dead.
He turned to me slowly. And... He was crying. "Dad?" I got up to hug him, with me being short and all I rested my head on his chest. "Dad? Are you mad!?" I looked up at him, he was already looking at me. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. "Aga- dad, dad I. Can't. Breathe!" he let go and went into a frantic mode.

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