CH.5 Doctor Halsey.

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After defeating the banshees, Jorge, F/N and I went to the elevator we used to get here, and went to the low level, were the rest of the team was waiting, with the exception of Clara who waited outside.

Carter was talking to Doctor Halsey. I was still thinking about what F/N said earlier, I'll have to ask later, now, there are other things far more important.

When we entered, Kat gave F/N a smile and went to him, having a little conversation. Can't you leave him alone and focus?

Doctor Halsey:"I requested your assistance, Commander, and do not need a report on events that occur on my own doorstep."

She was behind a buletproof glass, speaking through a mic.

Doctor Halsey:"What I do require it's a detailed account of your previous engagement-" She looks at Jorge "Jorge. It's been too long."


She then looks at F/N, and chuckles "I never thought someone like you would be a Spartan."


F/N: "Glad to dissapoint."

That's my boy

She smirks at that, and goes back to greet Jorge.

Doctor Halsey:"What have you done to my armour?"

Jorge:"Just some... additions I've made."

Doctor Halsey:"Indeed."

After all of that, she resumes her conversation with Carter.

Doctor Halsey:"Visegrad Relay. It's data center was home to one of my xenoarcheologists, Professor Lazlo Sorvad. Perhaps you could shed some light on his death."

Carter:"If he was a civilian male on his mid-sixties, he died with a Covenant energy sword right through his abdomen."

Doctor Halsey:"Elites then."

Jorge:"They engaged us as well. It was just... just after we found your scientist's daughter, ma'am. She was hiding behind so-"

Doctor Halsey:"Irrelevant. The elites, tell me more about them."

The more she talks, the more I hate her. I have a feeling she and I will not get along well.

Jorge:"Three. Zealot class. One got by us. The leader. From the looks of him-"

Doctor Halsey:"Zealot. Are you certain?"

I remember that elite, he was the one that pushed me. I almost died thanks to him. Thanks god F/N was there.

Jorge:"Their armour configuration matched."

F/N:"Shield strength, too."

Carter:"I gave the order not to pursue. Our primary objective was to get station's relay back online."

Doctor Halsey:"Your primary objective? Commander are you a puppet or a Spartan?"

We all got suprised by this. I'm getting tired of this.


Doctor Halsey:"There are those at ONI, myself included, who believe the Covenant dispatch elite advance teams to hunt down artifacts of value to their religion. Survivor's accounts suggests such teams are small, nimble and almost always Zealot class. No doubt the came to the station for the abundance of ONI extracted data stores there... and you let them get away..."

Carter:"Data retrieval was not a command directive. Even had we known, we had other, more urgent matters to attend to."

Kat:"Like warning the planet."

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