CH.12 New Alexandria

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1 hour later...

Noble Six P.O.V

A pelican picked us up and flyed to a new LZ where Carter will meet us. Probably to give us more orders. I was looking outside the pelican, the entire city on ruins. What was first a place where the sound of laughter, cars and chatting, now, it's replaced by complete silence, fire on our buildings.

F/N was resting his head on my shoulder, having a little nap. I put my head on his, and wait for our pelican to land. This is gonna be a rough day. Just like the others.

Eventually, the pelican landed, so I woke F/N and went to meet Carter.

Carter greeted us by patting our backs. We walked to some falcons, waiting there for us.

Carter:"Your report will have to wait, Liutenant. The Covenant are jamming all comms to Command. Kat needs your help running a counter-op."

Carter stopped moving, while F/N and I went to a falcon.

Carter:"It's good to have both of you back."

Noble Six:"Sorry we couldn't save him."

Carter:"Make him proud."

He then returns to our pelicans, the pilot taking him to another location.

I looked to the falcon to see F/N alredy mounted in, on one of the turrets, waiting patienly. A marine was behind him, on the other turret.

Kat:"(Through radio) Put your wings back on, Liutenant. You are flying the falcon."

I entered the pilot seat and started the engines while Kat tell us the mission

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I entered the pilot seat and started the engines while Kat tell us the mission.

Kat:"Covenant have placed jamming devices on building around the city. We will find them and you will hit them. Hard."

We flyed towards a random location, exploring the city for possible jamming locations, till Kat talked to us.

Kat:"Standby Six. One of our troopers located a jamming device on a hospital nearby your location. You know what to do."

I traveled to the hospital, some banshees trying to intercept us on our way, but they got destroyed without too many trouble by F/N and the marine. I landed on the hospital and exited the falcon, grabing my DMR. I saw F/N behind me with a shotgun, and the marine with an AR. We entered the building to see grunts, but with that purple shield.

Noble Six:"There is an engineer nearby."

Marine:" A what now?"

Noble Six:"That thing. Eliminate it."

I pointed to the engineer and the marine started shooting. Seven and I assasinated the grunts before the could turn around. They were not alone though, more grunts and jackals were waiting downstairs, alredy shooting at us from cover.

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