Touch Me (GxG)

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It's been a while yall. Hopefully I didn't disappoint!

(As always sorry for any errors ahead of time)

It was something different about yesterday.

She was different.

I wanted her attention. I craved for her affection.

But most importantly I yearned for her to touch me in ways I've never explored.

She was was supposed to just be my straight friend. We were never meant to cross those lines. It should have only been harmless teasing and joking, but it was something about her.

She made me want to go further. She made me want to pleasure her in ways I've never pleasured anyone else. She didn't realize it but she awoke something within me and I made sure to satisfy her the way she deserved.

It had been a while since we had seen each other and I was hyped we finally had time to spend together. Like all the other times it was supposed to just be a chill time, but it quickly escalated into a lot more. The plan was simple: get food and go shopping, but I was hungry for alot more than food once we were together.

Once I had picked her up that's when it began. She looked good of course. She was about 5'7 with mocha colored skin and the prettiest honey colored eyes that would make anyone get on their knees. Her fit was nothing extravagant, just some shorts and a shirt, and while stuff like that didn't matter to her, I made sure I looked good for her. Like I said its all about the tease and how far we can push each other to the edge, but this time we went over the cliff.

Once we got in the store the teasing began. It was normal for us to keep it at playful remarks, but she was tempting me to go further and all it took was one touch to set my body on fire. She started by placing her hands firmly on my waist and slowly she began sliding her hand down to my thighs. Those are one of my sensitive areas and she knew it. Feeling the slow strokes of her fingers rub over my thighs through my ripped jeans was making me squirm. She was testing my will and I wanted so badly to take her right then and there in that store, but I waited. I needed to get her to my house and I needed to get her there soon.

Once we got back in my car I made sure that I played the most sensual songs I knew and that I was feeling on any body part I could reach from the driver's seat. If I could kiss her without causing an accident I would've, but that would just have to wait. I made sure that my touches were slow and lingering. My hand would slowly make its way in between her thighs rubbing slow circles and inching closer and closer to her pussy but never going all the way. I wanted her to crave my touch as much as I craved her. I wanted her to feel the need I felt growing inside of me.

Once I pulled into the driveway, we both rushed out of the car to the front door. As soon as I unlocked the door I pushed her up against wall, because I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to feel her lips against mine. It started off rough and hungry, but I needed to slow it down because I wanted to take my time with her. I wanted her to remember every single moment of what I was going to do to her body.

I slowly began to trail kisses from her lips down to her neck. I pressed quick kisses from the corner of her mouth down until I found the spot that made her moan. I made sure to abuse that spot, while my hands caressed the curves of her body.

As I placed my hands firmly on her waist right underneath the hem of her shirt, I began kissing back up to her mouth. We kissed once more for a few seconds before I pulled away. While I wouldn't have minded taking her in this hallway, I wanted her in my bed. And she got the hint once I grabbed her hand and nodded my head down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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