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I didn't edit so sorry for mistakes

Now most people that have affairs usually do it with some how from the club, the secretary, or even their wife's best friend. But this ain't one of those basic stories I'm having an affair with my teacher. Most teacher are old and ugly but this man was fine as hell. I'll explain all the details in a few as I tell y'all the story of the first time we fucked.

It was Thursday and we had 5 minutes left in class. I hadn't been paying attention to lesson I was to busy staring at my teacher. He was tall about 6'4, dark chocolate complexion, and had the whitest smile. He had muscles you could tell by how his white button clung to his arms and you could tell he had some big feet. Anyways as he was finishing the lesson he told me to stay after class as the bell started to ring. As everyone left out the classroom he did too. He came back after 10 minutes and sat at his desk.

I was getting aggravated so I got up and walked to his desk and asked "What do you want? Your wasting my time."

He got up walked around his desk towards me. He grabbed me roughly turning me around and bending me over his desk. He was so close behind me I could feel his dick on my butt. He bent over holding my hands behind my back and said "I want to fuck." and after he said that he let me go and backed away.

I turned around looking at him and said "fuck me then." He smirked and came toward me, picked me up and sat me on his desk never breaking eye contact. He stood between my legs and pulled me closer and kissed me roughly. He started to move lower placing kisses from my chin to my neck. He kissed down and started biting, he used his long soft tongue to lick over the spot and kissed back to to my mouth. He started unbuttoning my shorts sticking his hand in feeling how wet I was.

He used his thumb and slowly rubbed over my clit in circular motions making me moan. He ripped my shorts off and my thong went with them. He pushed me back on the desk and grabbed my thighs pushing them back as he went lower til his face was near my pussy. He came foward and started sucking on my clit. His big lips felt so good as he started flicking his tongue up and down over it. His tongue started to travel down more and he started tongue fucking me. I was going crazy as he was flicking his tongue up and down and in and out. He came back up to my clit and bit it softly before sucking on it one last time.

He got up from his knees and walked to the chalkboard. He grabbed the ruler. He told me to stand up and bend over. He got my bare ass twice with the ruler making me bite my lip and become more wet. I stood up before he could hit again and took the ruler. I backed him up towards the desk standing between his legs now. He stared at me as I removed my shirt and bra biting his lip. I ripped open his shirt and saw his body. I ran my hand over He chiseld did pack down to his pants. I undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He stood up so I could pull them off. I pulled his pant and boxers down and he dick sprung out.

It was big... about 10 inches long and 2 inches thick. I grabbed it and put my lips around the tip of his dick and swirled my tongue around it. I took it out my mouth and licked the sides of his dick slowly not missing one spot. I went back to the tip and started sucking his dick. I was bobbing back and forth fitting as much as I could in my mouth and fingering my wet pussy at the same time. I was covering every inch with my mouth making sure you could see it glistening from my spit. After I took his dick out and started stroking it he picked me up making me wrapp my legs around his waist as he used his dick and rubbed it up and down in my pussy. Still holding me he grabbed my hips and slammed me down on his dick. I yelped out from pleasure he was so big. He grunted out as he started bouncing me up and down on his dick hitting every spot making me cum.

He pulled out of me and layed me down on the desk pushing my legs back. He grabbed his dick and started hitting my clit with it. He put it back at my entrance sliding in and out slow and long. He leaned down at the same time and started sucking on my nipples. He picked up the pace going faster and started biting down on my nipples. He stood all the way back up hold my legs straight up as he started ramming into me faster. He was hitting my g spot so much I couldn't take it and came all over his dick.

He backed up and told me to bend over. He started running my clit as he rammed into me from behind catching me off guard. He started off slow and then started picking up the pace. I was holding onto the edge of the desk and throwing it back at the same time. He started pulling on my hair and all you could hear was me throwing it back on him. I started to clench my walls around his dick and I knew he was about to him because his fingers were digging into my waist. He picked up the pace even more as I tried to keep up I said " I'm about to cum..." he told me hold it for a few more seconds and we released at the same time. We were both breathless and I looked up at him and said "Round 2" and he smirked and said...........To be continued

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