One time pleasure...

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I've known him all my life. We went to school together, we hang out everyday with each other, and we've always been there for one another.

But I have craved for him in ways most people shouldn't crave their bestfriend. Especially, when their in a relationship with your sister.

And we've had sex together while he was dating her. It was supposed to be a one time pleasure but we couldn't stop.

I'll tell you how it all started...

It was Saturday, October 12th and I was home alone. My family had went to visit my aunt and uncle in Georgia, but I convinced them to let stay since "I had a lot of homework to do," and they wouldn't be back until Monday. The real reason I stay home was because I was really struggling with my feelings for my bestfriend and just wanted some time to myself.

I had managed to avoid him everyday at school since Wednesday and I hadn't replied to any of his messages since Tuesday. I could tell he was pissed but he gave up trying to talk to me yesterday.

I had just finished my morning routine when I heard someone banging on the front door like a crazy person. I went to the door and looked through the peephole to see my bestfriend looking pissed. I didn't want to but I opened the door. He stormed in and slammed the door shut behind him making me jump a little.

His eyes zeroed in on me and he starts walking towards me. Each step he takes forward I move one back. Until my back hits the wall leading to the living room. My gaze was on the floor because his stare was to intense. He had boxed me in by putting his arms up against the wall so I could move away.

I was nervous because he had spoke yet and I could now tell he was livid. But I was also insanely turned on. He was 6'0 feet tall, with muscular arms that were flexing from him leaning on the wall to cage me in and I could see his abs under the white tshirt he was wearing.

"Look at me" he spoke in his deep baritone voice. I didn't look so he stepped closer towards me, if possible, and said "I said look at me" with more bass then the first time that I couldn't help but to look up. After a few seconds of just staring at each other he said "Why are you avoiding me?"

I didn't want to tell him but with his intense stare and being so close it slipped out and I said "Because I have feelings for you that I shouldn't have." I felt ashamed and didn't want to see his reaction so I looked down with tears threatening to spill. A minute had past and he still didn't say anything and as I was about to tell him to just leave until I felt his fingers underneath my chin lifting my head up.

Once my gaze had finally met his I saw his expressionless face and what he did next shocked me. He leaned in to kiss me. The kiss held so much passion, but it was a kiss of wanting. I wanted him and I could tell he wanted me.

He hoisted me up so that my legs were around his waist and his strong hands were underneath my butt holding me up. He started walking without breaking the kiss or even seeing where he we were headed. We ended up in the Kitchen where he sat me on the island countertop. He broke the kiss and his eyes raked over my body.

All I had on was my black silk robe since I had just woke up. His hands moved to the belt of my robe and started untying it. Once the belt was untied the robe parted slightly. He kissed me again this time a little slower almost teasingly and I felt his hand moving the robe off my body and once it had pooled down around my butt he broke the kiss again. He lifted his hands to my collar bones and slowly started feeling all over my body. They way in which he felt over my body was gentle and he made sure to caress each part until he reached my thighs.

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