Meeting someone

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We fucked all the time.....

And when we did it wasn't child's play we fucked hard.....and long.

I remember the first time we met. I was in Miami on a business trip I was staying in the Hilton hotel. As I walked to the front desk I passed a mysterious gentlemen. He was tall about 6'5, dark skin, and you could tell he was buff by the way his suit fitted to his body. The smirk he wore on his face was enough to make your panties wet instantly. I kept walking to the front desk, checked in and got my room key. As I was walking to the elevator I felt a presence behind me. When I moved the person moved as well, so I stepped onto the elevator and so did the person. I pressed the number to go to my floor and as the elevator was moving it was brought to a sudden stop. He turned to me and backed me into a corner, no words exchanged, and kissed me roughly while pulling my hair and biting my lip. He started to go lower kissing down to my neck when he started biting down on my spot biting and licking. He ripped my shirt open roughly and ripped my bra letting my breast come out. He started leaving bite marks down to my nipples, where he started to suck and bite hard on them. He then left a trail of bite marks down my stomach to the top of my pants. He unbutton them slowly pulling them all the way off. He grabbed the top of my thong with his teeth and ripped them off within seconds. He put my legs over his shoulders and stood up pushing me into the wall as he started eating my pussy. He licked up and down slowly before he started sucking on my clit which sent tingles up my spine. He used his tongue and swirled it around my clit, when he started nibbling it on it making me yelp out in pleasure. Sucking on my clit with his soft lips, his tongue trip down til it reached my tongue when he started tongue fucking me. When he finished he came back up leaving hickies up my body til he reached my lips kissing me roughly again. Now it was my turn, once I got off his shoulder I pushed him up against the wall smashing my lips to his again. I ripped his button down open revealing his chiseled abs. I started sucking on his biting roughly leaving hickies behind while I was unbuckling his pants. I traveled down to his body till I reached his boxers. I pulled them down and his dick was hard as a rock. It was about 9 inches long and perfect. I grabbed a hold of it at the base as I wrapped my mouth around the tip stroking as I licked around the head. I started sucking putting more off him in my mouth going deeper while I started stroking harder. I took him out of my mouth and his dick was shining from how wet my mouth was. I started stroking him faster as his face contorted into pleasure. Once I finished I came back up to his face and before we kissed he grabbed my hair and pushed me hard into the wall letting my leg up with a hard grasp sue enough to leave a bruise. He rubbed his dick against my pussy making me moan before he rammed into me sending and electric shock though my body. He rammed in and out of my pussy so hard I knew I wasn't going to be able to walk tomorrow. He had my hair wrapped around his hand while giving me back shots. He stopped, turned me around and picked me up and started fucking me. I could feel him in my stomach now giving me so much pleasure. I told him to stop and lay on the floor, I got on top of him inserting his dick into my pussy. As I put m hands on his chest to push myself up and go down hard where you could hear our skin smacking. I started grinding on his dick when he grabbed my hips lifting me up and down on his dick I was screaming in pleasure. I told him I was going to cum and he told me to hold it while he started pounding into me harder. As I was cumming I felt his warm seed come inside me at the same time. We were panting and breathing hard, no words still exchanged. Just when he was about to say something the elevator door opened to reveal.......

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