Friday nights

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It was Friday, June 19 around 8 o'clock I was home alone and I had just got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. As I was walking to my room I heard the doorbell ring, so I walked towards the door and opened it. It was my boyfriend ricky he was a caramel complexion, 6'4, with a low fade. He was soaked from it pouring down hard outside his clothes hugged his body showing off his 6 pack and muscular build. He was looking so sexy I was getting turned on. I stepped to the side to let him in. I asked him why he was out in such bad weather and he said he was on his way home when his car stopped and my house was the closest. I took him up stairs and gave him some clothes to change into in the guest room. I walked back into my room and dropped the towel to get dressed, I was lotioning my legs bent over when I felt someone behind me. I stood up and could feel his hard on my butt. He put his hands around me and his hands started roaming. He hands went up to my breast caressing them slowly while he was nibbling on my ear. He moved down kissing on my neck and was pinching my nipples sending chills threw my body rubbing them in a circular motion. I turned my head to kiss him as his hands began to travel lower and lower reaching to my pussy. He rubbed his fingers along my slit back and forth teasing me. He then started to rub my clit in a circular motion causing me to moan as we kissed. His hands moved from my clit and he started to insert a finger into my pussy, I gasped because he felt good, he was moving his finger in and out slowly as he continued to rub my clit. It felt so good I was upset when he removed his hands and he turned me around to face him. He looked down at me with so much lust and he leaned down and kissed me gripping my ass roughly in the process. He walked us backwards towards my bed never breaking the kiss only to lay me down, he hovered over top of me and was kiss on my neck nibbling and biting my hot spot running his tongue over the spot. He started to move lower planting kissed as he went moving to my boob licking around the nipple before taking it into his mouth lightly biting down on it making me moan out as his other hand was squeezing and running the other nipple. He moved the the next boob showing the same attention biting down and running his tongue around it. He moved lower again placing kissed along my body as he went he stopped at my navel running his tongue from there down to my pussy. He stopped once he reached it and then ran his tongue along my slit still teasing me. He took his two fingers and spread my pussy lips apart and he flicked his tongue on my clit in a rapid motion and started sucking on it, he moved lower and started sticking his long tongue in my hole going in and out driving me crazy. He was slurping my juices, sucking on my clit as he inserted his fingers going in and out slow rubbing his thumb on my clit. I was almost at my peak when he stopped. I looked down and saw him standing up pulling out his dick. It was about 11 inches and real thick. I started to pick around the head getting a groan from him and kicked from the base to the head. I took him in my mouth bobbing up and down taking as much as possible in. I took him out running my tongue all over his dick. He stopped me and laid me back spreading my legs, he ran his dick up and down my slit playing with my clit til he started to go in. He was so big He went in slow and the pleasure was amazing he went inch by inch giving slow, long deep strokes I was grabbing his back scratching at it, as he went in and out. He started to pick up his pace going in and out of me faster the pain and,pleasure was causing ecstasy. I was reaching my peak when he pulled out again and told me to get on all fours. Without warning he rammed into me cause me to yelp out in pleasure as my orgasm hit, but he continued going in and out holding on to my hips and I was grabbing the sheets tight. He started stroking slow then picked his pace back up slapping and grabbing my ass, I could tell he was gonna cum soon cause he started stroking faster, til we both climaxed at the same time our sweaty bodies laying on top of each other while kissing. I got up going to take a shower he was watching as I was walking away and follwed........ To be continued

************************************ Thanks to all who read my first chapter please comment any suggestion and helpful criticism. Thanks again!

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