Child!Ace x Child! reader P1 (17)

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Modern Au, 
Nothing is wrong with this, It's just stupid crushes and that's it.
Male! Reader


M/n Listened to the Overpowering sounds of children's giggles. It was kind of getting on his nerves, though they'd reap what they sowed when they got sick from playing in the rain. That would be M/ns sweet revenge and victory all at once. It would be a glorious day when karma decided to pay a visit. Sure the kids outside were younger than M/n but he didn't care. They were loud and obnoxious, not to mention annoying. He couldn't read in peace... well he couldn't even focus on a single page of the book. Deciding he'd had enough of the pointless noise, he headed for the orphanage's nursery. It was always quiet there, and a plus was that there were little to no babies in there. Besides the unlucky ones, but they always got adopted immediately. Simply because they were babies, that was it. They didn't have any special skills or anything, babies are like cats to M/n. You have to feed them, give them attention when they want it, and if they don't, they're aggressive and change their diapers/litters. Babies and Cats were the same; M/n couldn't be convinced otherwise.

The care workers darted around the facility, seemingly preparing for something? Or someone. M/n didn't care, sitting down in the rocking chair meant for feeding. He opened his book back up to where he left off, it had been getting to a good part. Just as the Hero was about to win the Villan overpowered them. Finally getting the flashback they needed. M/n could read this book over and over again, It's antagonist was the main character instead of the Protagonist. Someone cleared their throat, bringing M/n back from his book. He looked up and saw the main caretaker, Ms.Davidson. She was nice, but kind of Old, Either way easily one of M/ns favorite people. M/n smiled and waved to the woman, she simply looked at him knowingly.

"M/n, You're not supposed to be in here." She shook her head, leaning against the door frame

"But it's the only quiet place here, untouched by the other children," M/n Whined.

"M/n, Out. We've got visitors. I hate people as much as you but Please. Don't do what I know you'll do." Ms.Davidson pleaded

"Can't make promises I can't keep" M/n snickered, leaving the room with his book in hand. M/n planned on just hiding away in his bunk.

But as always nothing ever truly goes M/ns way. As he was walking back to his shared room he bumped into someone. An Old man to be precise, Not to mention the Guy was an Absolute Giant. M/n heard Ms.Davidsons Giggles from behind him. He quickly dusted himself off before ignoring the old man completely, No way in Hell was he going to talk to someone like that. Whitebeard Raised a brow at the young boy's behavior, The boy hadn't even bothered to introduce himself or even say hi. Whitebeard took an Interest in that, He had originally come here to have tea and Coffee with Ms.Davidson, they were just going to discuss business. Though, Now, He wanted nothing more than to get to know the boy he had just seen. He turned towards the familiar Face.

"And You didn't tell me?"

"Mr.Newgate, He's been here for years. He just keeps cooped up in his room whenever people come" Ms.Davidson suppressed her giggles.

"And You didn't tell me?" Whitebeard repeated himself with a stupid grin plastered on his face.

Ms.Davidson Sighed, "Mr.Newgate, At least consult your Sons, They have a right to Know" Ms.Davidson Hummed, already getting some of the paperwork. Once Whitebeard set his mind to something he'd usually get it done no matter the obstacles.


M/n swept a hand through his Hair, He needed a haircut but didn't want one. Once he was sure the old guy had left he grabbed his coat and headed outside. Ms.Davidson shook her head as she watched M/n leave through the backdoors. M/n had Friends, just no one in the Orphanage was his friend. He had his own ragtag group, What M/n and his friends got up to was beyond her. As long as the Cops didn't appear on the front steps she was fine. If M/n was doing something Illegal, Just don't get caught. That was her number one rule, It was also why she was M/ns favorite person.

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