Ace x Male! Reader P2 (21)

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Modern/Highschool Au
-Continuation of The one before this. Like the one where he steals a Sake bottle n' crap.
-Male! Reader, obviously, Instead of Y/n, I'll be using M/n.
-Whitebeard got the paperwork for Shanks since he knew taking care of another boy would be a hassle. Of course, He didn't want to but his sons pressured him into letting Shanks take the paperwork.


M/n glared down at his freckled friend, Because of Ace they were about 15 minutes late for school. Not to mention M/n had to walk over to Ace's house. M/n pinched Ace's nose, cutting off airflow. 
'Damn Idiot! Why the hell don't you have an Alarm!' M/n thought. Ace started to whip his head around, his eyes finally shooting open. When he saw M/n glaring down at him he didn't even need to guess what was going on.

Ace jumped out of bed, scrambling for his closet, "How Late!"

"Uhh Going on 20 minutes" M/n slipped his phone back into his pocket

"SHIT! Sabo was supposed to wake me up!" Ace hopped around the room, struggling to get his pants on.

"Listen, One leg at a Time babe" M/n Snickered

"Shut the hell up!" Ace zipped up his pants, throwing a random shirt over his head, "There I'm ready!"

"Socks, Brush your teeth, comb your hair!" M/n reminded him, walking out of Ace's room with both of their backpacks


Ace rushed around his house in a flurry, sometimes passing one of his brothers in the process. Most of them just looked at M/n with heavily confused faces. M/n would simply tap his wrist in response. Everyone who was still in the house finally understanding that Ace was late, and M/n was too. Once M/n heard the bathroom water shut off he started for the front door, Tossing Ace's backpack to him and leaving. M/n and Ace practically sprinted towards the Highschool. Missing the first Period in the process but you both didn't like the class anyways.

After getting a Detention for being late the third time that week they both went to their separate classes. Waving to each other in the halls, messing with each other during gym. Normal crap for friends to do. Soon Lunchtime swung around, M/n and Ace went to separate tables since they had separate friend groups. Ace watched M/n from across the lunchroom, like a lost Puppy.

"Christ Ace, If I didn't know any better I'd say you're in Love with him!" Duce Cackled at his friend's reaction, Ace's face lit on Fire.

"Ace, anyone with eyes and Ears can see you Like him. Just tell him already!" Sabo encouraged his brother.

"Luffy, Sabo, Luffy wouldn't" Ace deadpanned at his brother who only nodded.

M/n Jumped up from his table, bolting out of the cafeteria with a Pissed Kid chasing after him. Killer simply following behind trying to stop Kid.

"KID STOP, YOU CAN'T KILL ACE'S BOYFRIEND!" Killer yelled picking up the speed

"aCK-" Ace started choking on his food.

The entire cafeteria Erupted into laughter, simply because even the teachers knew M/n and Ace were practically conjoined at the Hip most days. Once lunch ended Ace went to his next class, which he shared with M/n. Though he's still recovering from the incident at Lunch. Sabo walked beside him with a knowing smile on his face.

"So how long~" Sabo sang

"Since freshmen..." Ace grumbled, covering the blush coating his cheeks


"SHut up! Yes since freshmen"

"Christ... And Everyone is Oblivious..." Sabo shook his head chuckling

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