Law x Masochist! Reader(57)

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Modern/Gang Au
None, I just didn't know what to write.
Again None, except you and Law aren't minors


You sat, your knee bouncing. You had been waiting for the announcer to say your name. Declaring who you'd be fighting. It was your first time-fighting in an illegal ring. It made you Sick, Not really. You were just nervous, how many eyes would be watching you... How many eyes... They'd all be watching as you completely destroyed someone's life. You felt Ecstacy rush through your veins.

Having been alone most of your life... well not alone, It's just your Father was Practically Absent and your Mother was a Drug crazed maniac. and of course, that combo created a little fucked up you. 

Finally, you heard your name. Standing up you walked out into the Ring. The announcer led you to the middle of it. Announcing your name as received a few cheers. 

"Here We have a Newcomer! Known as!" He put the mic to your mouth

"Uhmm, Akuji" You hummed, knowing of its Origins. (Akuji means "Dead and Awake" with African Origins)

"All Right Folks! You heard the Lady!, Tonight! Akuji will be fighting! Fire Fist Ace!"

Your stomach tightened, You saw the evil look in the announcer's eye, he was setting you up for failure.

"As Always, The Rules are the same! Only one! And That is Don't Kill your Opponent! You have fun you two!" The Announcer quickly scurried off as Fire Fist Ace came bounding through his own doors. a Very impressive display of Fire following suit. The Cheers came, begging for the man to win. 

You grew excited, wondering what kind of fight it would turn out to be. Ace waved up to a box above the stadium. His adoptive father waved back proudly. Though once Ace wasn't looking Pops took a closer look at the female (Aka: You) Ace would be fighting.

You were 'Flattered' by the fact the legendary yonko had taken interest in you. (Not in that way), So you decided to blow a kiss to the man and wink. Just for fun. Pops scowled, obviously noticing the action and having an immediate displease for it.

Ace cackled having seen the interaction.

"Okay! Ladies and Gentlemen, just one moment as the Founder has decided to share a Word!" The Announcer spoke with enthusiasm. 

"If Akuji is able to beat Ace, I would like to have a chat with them," Pops spoke quickly, 

Eyes bulged out of people's heads.

"Anything to say Akuji?" The announcer put the mic to your face

"Sure thing Geezer!" you waved, a glint in your eye that Pops recognized, It was the same one an Old friend had. He was excited to see how this played out.

After that, the Fight began. Nor you or Ace made a move. Both of you want to see who'd take the bait first. Of course, You got impatient. Taking the first step, soon turning into a Jog, then a Sprint. The next thing Ace knew was You were delivering him a Punch to the Stomach and he was going flying Back.

Ace was confused as to why his flames didn't envelop your hand. until he saw a Black liquid-like coating on your fist. He smirked, this was going to be much more fun than he had originally thought.

A back and forth fight ensued. each delivering punches to the other left and right. having an unspoken agreement not to use any sort of power after the first punch you had made. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Who would win in this constant shower of bullet-like punches?

Ace jumped back, taking in your form... It seemed off. Like really off, You weren't bent out of shape like he was, You weren't hissing in pain... But you seemed to be relishing in it.  Why were you relishing in it!?

"Oi!" He grabbed your attention, "The fuck is your issue?"

You looked up at him, a big smile on your face, You whispered something incoherent to the man.


You grabbed your face like they would in those psycho animes you'd watch. 

"I Get off on this! the pain! the feeling of it, it''s...It's exhilarating!" Calming yourself. "So why don't we get this show on the road! I'm sure the people watching are dying! to know who will win!"


He pinched your cheeks, pulling on them angrily.

"What made you think going to that fighting ring was any sort of okay!?" He shouted at you

"I got booredd" You whined.

"I don't care if you got bored Y/n-ya! I told you to stay put and watch for our guy!"

"Bleeechh, We got him tho didn't we?"

"THats!-... You're impossible. I don't know why I waste my time with you" He grumbled, going back to patch you up.

The room grew a tense air for quite sometime before either of you couldn't take it. You hummed along to a song that wasn't playing.

"Y/n. I understand your...Intense, to say the least, need or... I don't know, want for pain. But there are no safe options for this..." Law and you had been in a relationship for some time now, only keeping it on the Down-Low. He had refused to cave into your odd...Kink? if that's what you would call it.

"Meh, You should be proud of me though. This was the first time in 3 years!"

'Dumbass' Law deadpanned, ruffling your hair, kissing your cheek before leaving the room...

Oh, how he wondered what you got up to the following weeks... (More fights at the Fighting Ring)

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