🍦Thatch x ???! Reader (71)

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~Missing You~

Six years had passed in a blast. Six years of crying yourself to sleep. Six years of drinking yourself silly. Six. Whole. Years. Of blaming yourself. Six years ago On this very day, on this very cold night. Your boyfriend, soon to be fiance, broke up with you because... well you didn't know why. He never gave you a reason besides a timid "It's not you, it's me". If anyone ever says that, typically they mean it's you. So, The man you thought was the one.. just like that. Vanished. In the blink of an eye before you could turly cherish the moments you had with him until it was too late. The World spun beneath your feet as you leaned against the railing on the roof. Your apartment building had communal roof space... which typically you used the most.

You shot back the rest of your beer, letting the glass bottle fall to the ground and roll with a clink. You were a grown woman yet you were an utter mess. You had your own life, You had a full-time job. A degree in Biology and a Doctorate! For fucks sake you shouldn't be drinking yourself silly! But you couldn't help it... The world had turned its back on you. you had no where else to go. No one else to turn to except for your brother... who reluctantly would immedately tell a certain Ex of yours how you've been farring with the whole break up these last six years. So... Thus, that left you to your own devices. Comapred to your brother... You were an alcoholic for sure. 

You watched the city continue on. Moving on. Cars speeding by, honking horns. All of it. Sucked. The world continued without even taking a passing glance at you. It made you believe that the world could continue on without you. Of course a meesley break-up wasn't the cause of all of this... Infact. It was just the tip of the Ice-berg. First, It was two of your favorite brats getting hospitilized to the point where they were almost half dead. Multiple times. Your brother moving ages away and losing contact with you. Your field of research losing funding, leaving you with barely scraps of machines to work with. So... Without a real job, You, yourself had to move even farther away from all of the people you loved. 

Your Dog died. Which... Well that just sucked but you knew it would happen. The poor baby was old and was over due to kick the bucket... but it really just pushed you over the edge of it all when lifes stress just kinda... Happened all at once. Typically you were amazing at handling your stress. Though it seemed not this time around, not with so much to sort through. You sent a quick text to your boss, letting him know you wouldn't be coming in the next day. You weren't really sure if he got the message though... Matter of fact. You had no idea who you texted and what you texted them. Besides it being along the lines of 'Not coming in tomorrow' or 'notoscpomijng orngorjomoeeow'. Either one would suffice to get your point across, Your phone began to ring. You squinted at the caller ID. Almost dropping your phone when you saw who it was from. 

"Heyoo~" You hummed

'Hey... Y/n. You alright?' They asked, obviously very groggy

"Ofcourse, Whyshouldn't I be?" Your words began to slurr, just generally mixing with each other.

'Y/n. Are you drunk?' They sighed, 'I thought you didn't drink?' 

"Thatchey! Since when did you sound so tirred?" You countered

'Why are you drunk Y/n.' He growled, growing very impatient. He was worried beyond belief because of what Shanks had been telling them and now here you come only supporting what Shanks had been saying!

"My Life. SUCKS." You groaned, "First! First! My research lost funding! No biggie, I can work just fine with what I had. Second. Luffy and Ace get themselves put in jail AND the hospital AND ALMOST die like a million times!" 

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