Heat x Reader (40)

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Soulmate Au!
It's the same one as the Marco Oneshot,
So whatever you draw on your skin appears on theirs.
Tattoos do not count. But you do have Some Tattoos,
Such as You have Your Bones Tattooed on your hands,
Like your hand Bones and Stuff, It fades out at your Wrist.
-Does have lots of Angst... Such as Murder.


You lit your cigarette. Inhaling the smoke, Glaring down at the Body. At least he got what he deserved, A simple gunshot. That's all it took to end his life. he was Weak, You hadn't even hit anywhere important. You went to wipe the wet on your face, Frowning when you saw crimson stain your white gloves. Any good Criminal knew not to leave Fingerprints. You snuffed out your cigarette on the ground Smirking when you saw the body twitch. Maybe this fucker was still alive after all. You crouched down, Seeing the fear in his eyes, Oh yes. he was still alive, Heart beating and all. Pretending to be dead. You had to give it to him.

He was smart, Not smart enough though.

"You'll be much more fun than I thought~" You hummed poking his body with your gloved hand, "Maybe not. You've soured my mood." You grumbled, getting back up and pulling out your gun, Shooting him three times in the head. Leaving shortly after that. You had five minutes until the street cameras turned back on. You step into your Car, Turning it on and Driving off, The car you used for occasions like this had No plates, Or at least it didn't until you got home. 

You pulled into your gravel driveway, Living on the outskirts of the City had its perks. One of them was that No one bothered you. You stepped out of the Car, Breathing in the air, It was much cleaner than the inner parts of Grand city. You took off your gloves, Lighting the small Puddle of Oil that sat indented into the ground from before you left. Throwing the gloves into the Fire. You really liked those gloves. Such a shame you got blood on them. You shrugged heading into the small cabin-like home. You lived alone and didn't really do friends. They were too much of a Hassle, Keeping contact and going places for them was a waste of time. 

You took off your suit coat, tossing it on the stair railing. Gently taking off your shoes and placing them carefully next to the Others. Rolling up your sleeves you looked on your arms, Jumping slightly when you saw writing, It was neat but had a slight Chicken scratch likeness to it.

'How are you?'

You smiled gently, Whoever it was must be a gentle soul. You could tell, simply because no one asked you that.

'Just Lovely, What about you darling?' You wrote back, an ever-growing smile on your face. You never believed in the whole soulmate thing when you were a kid. Simply because it was Idiotic. But now, You were absolutely Smitten with whoever it was. And you hadn't even met them yet.

'I'm doing good'

You jumped around your Kitchen, Your mood had lifted just by simply seeing their writing. They'd write on themselves at least once every day, Asking how you were, though it never went past this. That's what made you think you'd never meet them. The conversations never went past this.

'What do you do?'

Your eyes lit up, A big Grin grew on your face. There was no way you'd lie to the precious human being, Even if it meant they'd never talk to you again.

'I'm a Hitman.' You answered their question honestly.

You never received a Response that Night. Maybe they'd report you to the Police... Maybe they'd ignore you for the rest of Existence and go marry one of those Soulmateless People. You laid in your bed, Running a hand down your face, Grabbing your phone, and Sending a Text to one of your Brothers.

HitMan: I think I screwed up.

MechManiac: What did you do dumbass.

HitMan: I don't think My Soulmate Likes me

MechManiac: How the fuck did you manage that?

HitMan: I told them what I do for a Living...

MechManiac: You are so Fucking dumb. But!
I think I know who your soul mate is.

HitMan: Who?!

MechManiac: Come to the City tomorrow, I'll introduce you.
You've got him freaking out Dumbass.

HitMan: Aren't you the leader of your own gang?

MechManiac: Hes a Softy. So if you think about hurting
Him I'll fucking kill you.

HitMan: Good to know.

You set your phone back down on your nightstand, Closing your eyes. Hoping to get at least a wink of sleep.

___With Heat.

He looked down at his arm, eyes wide. How the hell does he respond to that?! A Hitman?! His Soulmate is a Hitman. Just great, He was hoping they'd be someone who was nice and Slightly Innocent to the world of Crime. So he could Maybe be able to see what it looks like. Wire knocked on his bedroom door. Heat opened it.

"So? How'd it go? What'd they say?"

"My Soulmate is a Hitman." Heat responded.

"-...How the Hell are you supposed to respond to that?!" Wire exclaimed, Running a hand down his face.

"I Don't Know!" Heat yelled.

Their shouting could be heard from the Living room. At some point, it even piqued Killer's interest. Now all Kid could hear was his Friends trying to Figure out how heat should respond to his Soulmate. After Hours passed They finally quieted down a bit. Kid looked at his Phone, His Sister had texted him, What the hell did she do now?

Kid Deadpanned at his phone, It was official, His Sister was an Idiot. Kid got up out of his bed, Opening Heats bedroom door. In only his Boxers.

"I Found your Soulmate." He grumbled, sweeping a hand through his hair.

"SERIOUSLY?!" They all Shouted

"YES NOW SHUT THE HELL UP!" Kid Snapped back. "It's My Sister. You Fucking Hurt her You Die! And I won't be the one Killing you!"

"... I'm in Love." Heat Mumbled.

Kid shook his head, Storming out of the room, He just wanted sleep. That's all he fucking wanted.


You tried to find a comfortable position. But alas. Your soulmate stayed on your Mind. You got out of bed, Getting Dressed in clean clothes. Slipping your shoes back on and heading out. You started your car, Backing out of your Driveway and Heading straight to your Brothers' Mechanic shop. You sped down the Outskirt roads. Only obeying the Laws once you started reaching the Suburbia. It took a little While but soon enough you Parked on the side of the road, Next to his Shop. You looked up at the Apartment on top of it. You took a breath in, Relaxing yourself. God, you felt like you were back on your first Hire. You opened your car door, slamming it shut. You walked in, Heading up the stairs, Knocking on the Front door. 

Why was it so hot?

Killer opened the door, Surprised to see you.

"I couldn't sleep. Is My Beloved here?" You Chuckled,

"Yes... Heat! Your-... She's here?!" Killer had no idea what to call you.

Heat scrambled out of his room. His eyes landing on you, He smiled lightly. 

"You're much prettier in Person Darling~" You hummed, taking his hand and kissing it gently.

"Stop calling me that..." Heat mumbled, a Small Blush forming on his face. He didn't even have to know you for long... But he knew as soon as he saw you in person that you were Absolutely Perfect... and very Very Cheesy...

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