Chapter 1 The City

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Hey guys its Equinox again I hope you enjoy this chapter remeber I am open to any critisism though no just bashing, helpful critisism though is always welcomed :D

C H A P T E R  1  :  T H E  C I T Y

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I walked along the forest with Howl beside me, Are you sure the city is this way? I asked her doubt creeping into my question, we had been walking for a couple of hours. Yes I am sure, we were deeper into the forest than I realized, we are nearly there. Howl responded calmly, her endless patience was causing me to become irritated, 'Does she ever get agitated?' I thought in the part of the brain that was locked off from Howl. As we continued to walk I finally began noting signs of civilization, when we stepped out of the forest my eyes widened at what I saw.

It's beautiful I thought to Howl as I saw the city, some people may have called it broken and torn down and old but I thought it was beautiful. Howl nodded her agreement, I jerked my head as I heard a scream. Howl lead the way I said running after her as she led the way that the scream had come from. I gasped as I saw the scene, a human girl was being pinned down by a Codexian, obvious by the horns on his head and the pointed teeth as he snarled down at her. "This with teach you to stay out of my way," he snarled as he raised his hand, ready to strike her face as she sobbed, begging for mercy.

My wings whooshed out as I tapped my bow causing it to transform into a sword, leaping forward I landed so that I was standing over the girl, my sword blocking the Codexians hand from touching her. Howl quickly nudged the girl away and settled protectively in front of her as I ripped his hand from her shirt which he was gripping to keep her in place. "What are you doing! Puny human get out of my way!" he snarled glaring at me angrily in which I only narrowed my eyes. He had not seen my wings but his eyes widened as I let them stretch out, "I suggest you leave before I cut you to pieces," I hissed.

His eyes widened as they met my own blazing silver ones which must have been full of anger before his own anger overtook them, he clicked his fingers causing a spiked club to appear in his hand. "You messed with the wrong book girly," he said as he leaped towards me, raising his weapon to smash it on my head. I lifted my wings slightly as I quickly brought them down to make me shoot upwards, my hand reached upwards to stop his club as I quickly made a shallow cut on his wrist where he felt the most pain causing him to hiss and release his weapon so I could throw it to the side.

He dropped to the ground and watched me with wide eyes as I slowly allowed myself to land lightly on the ground, "You better leave and take some of your own medicine before you decide who to try to attack," I snapped as I tapped my sword twice causing it to lengthen and grow into a bow. As I slipped it around my frame I noticed that he had taken his club and had taken off. I turned to face the girl who was now petting a happy Howl causing me to smile softly as I stepped forward, frowning when the girl whimpered and clung to Howl.

I crouched on the ground and extended my wings so they would lightly brush against the girls face, her eyes widened as they met mine. "I'm not here to hurt you," I spoke softly allowing a soft smile to dance across my features as the girl attentively smiled back at me. "My name is Vita, what is yours?" I asked criss crossing in front of her as she sat down, "Mine is Arabella," she murmured softly as she held out her hand to shake hands with me. Arabella had light brown hair with chocolate brown eyes, she couldn't be older than 8 years.

"Nice to meet you Arabella," I spoke as I shook her hand, suddenly a siren went off causing Arabellas eyes to widen, "What's that?" I asked her as she pulled me to my feet and took off, dragging me after her. "It's the bell for curfew, it rings at 6 and we are all supposed to be in our houses at 6:05 or we will be hanged," Arabella said over her shoulder as she led me to a small house. We burst into the house just as the last bell rang. "Arabella! You were supposed to be home thirty minutes ago!" a rough but feminine voice shouted as a tall figure stomped into the room.

The girl stopped suddenly as she narrowed her dark brownish red eyes at me, she had rich dark brown hair with bright red streaks. "Arabella Opensky why did you bring a Codexian into this house!" the girl hissed as she glared at me with hatred. I flinched back and quickly looked down at my feet, my wings plastered themselves against my back as Howl growled lowly at her. "Stop it Swift your scaring her, she saved me from Damarian," Arabella shouted scooting in front of me protectively. The girl known as Swift, eyed me up and down before curling her lip up at me and turning and stalking out of the room.

Arabella turned to me and smiled cheerfully, "Don't worry she's always like that to new people," she said with a smile as she led me to a room which had an old bed in the middle along with an old dresser but that was about it. The walls were a fading cream from which I guessed they used to be a rich yellow, there was an opening in the shape of a window with bars on it. A piece of cloth covered it, which was torn with holes in it like it had been reused several times before given up on. I walked forward and looked out of the window at the city.

All the houses were made of stone, many of which were stacked upon one another, all of them squished together. A group of Codexian soldiers in black uniforms marched down the street which was deserted, "They do this every night, anyone caught is hanged," Arabella said softly as she watched the soldiers warily. "Arabella, lights out, the Codexian can have the couch," Swift snapped as she stepped into the doorway of Arabella's room, Arabella led me to a worn old couch before leaving me with Swift as I eyed her cautiously.

She shook her head at me before turning and walking out of the room, my guess was that she went to her own bedroom. I laid down on the couch and curled my feathers around me as Howl laid down on the floor right in front of the couch. Letting out a sigh I closed my eyes and slipped into a dreamless sleep.





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