Chapter 6 Rumors Will Tell

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Heyo guys! Enjoy this new chapter!! :D

C H A P T E R  6  :  R U M O R S  W I L L  T E L L

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As we walked along the inner circle of the Codexians city I sent Veto and Valerie along to pick up rumors of the people in the city. "People love gossip, Codexians are no different," I told Darius after Veto and Valerie left. I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans with leather boots, I had on a dark red strapless shirt with a dark blue sleeveless jean jacket. My dark, navy blue near black wavy hair was left by itself only having run a brush through it to make the hair shine nicely. "So all we have to do is bring the gossip to us?" he whispered in my ear softly causing me to shiver slightly.

At my nod he tossed an arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to him, careful of my wings. A dark blush covered my pale cheeks, seeing him smirk out of the corner of his eye I narrowed my eyes and elbowed him in the stomach causing him to jerk his arm back to clutch his stomach and bend over with a groan. I smirked and continued walking forward in the city ignoring the curious eyes, "Keep up if you can babe," I called over my shoulder only get a grunt in return. When he caught up to me he glared at me so fiercely I was glad the saying 'looks could kill,' wasn't true.

"What you wanted gossip about us, you got it," I said with a grin looking up at him only receiving a glare in return. "Now let's go check out a hotspot," I said leading him to a popular cafe and we chose to sit down at a lone table near the corner.  When we sat down we ordered two cups of coffee before awaiting the gold. "Did you hear about the Damsel familys husband was taken in for questioning, but they couldn't find anything against him," a whisper echoed from a different table.

"What were they looking for?" a whisper questioned in return, "For looking to join the UR," a hushed voice answered only getting a gasp in return. I smirked at Darius before finishing my cup of coffee and making my way out the door with Darius trailing behind me. When we stepped outside I heard him hiss in my ear, "How are we gonna find the Damsels?" he muttered still cross that I damaged his pride. "Well-" I was saved from answering at two little bundles who rammed into our frames. I quickly furled my wings out at the approaching teens who seemed to be 16, younger than me and Darius by a little bit.

"Hand over the runts, they were snooping where they weren't supposed to," the leader of the three snapped glaring at me not noticing Darius. I narrowed my gaze, my silver eyes flashing dangerously when a low rumble erupted behind me causing the guys eyes to widen as Darius stepped out to where he could be seen. "Their children you sickos, get out of here before I rip off both of your limbs and feet them to the wild dogs," Darius snarled causing the three teens to take off. "Nice job Demon," I murmured as I picked up Veto to hold his shaking frame close.

"Its fine Veto they won't dare to come back or else I'll pull out all their teeth while their asleep," I snarled. "Like the tooth fairy?" Veto asked with a gasp looking up at me causing me to laugh, "Yes but I won't leave any money," I said causing his eyes to widen even further. Darius rolled his eyes before grabbing my arm and pulling us so we could continue our search for the Damsel family. "So I heard that they lived at the end of this street," Valerie spoke up causing Darius to look down at her. "Seriously you knew about this before we walked everyone?" Darius asked only earning an amused giggle.

I chuckled at her behavior before leading them down the street and stepping up to the house that Valerie pointed out. We walked up to the house as Darius rang the doorbell, a young girl with golden blonde hair and bright red eyes opened the door. Her eyes were narrowed into slits and she had ears and tails just like Veto did except they were golden. "Yes?" she questioned softly causing me to smile kindly, "Um can we speak to your father?" I asked watching in astonishment as her eyes narrowed into slits and her facial expression changed dramatically.

"My Father already answered your questions!" she snapped before attempting to slam the door which was stopped by Darius putting his boot in the way of the door as he glowered down at her. "We are not from the army," he said raising an eyebrow at her shocked face, "We're selling cookies!" Valerie exclaimed cheerfully as she pulled out six boxes of differnt types of cookies. The girl grinned, "Come on in I'll go get Papa," she said cheerfully leading us into the house and shutting the door behind us as she led us to a study where a man with ears and tail of a cat sat.

His ears were black as well as his tail, he turned to face us as he waved his hand causing the girl to shut the door behind her. "We can talk freely in here, soundproof walls are a blessing," he said with an easy going grin but I could tell Darius was still wary. "Cookie?" I asked offering him the box which he nodded and took it, "So why were you searching out the UR? Gossip travels fast," I said sitting down on one of the couches in the room. "To join of course, are you part of the UR?" he questioned his voice holding an edge, "Maybe maybe not, what's your name?" I asked leaning back on the couch.

"Marvin, this is my daughter Melody," he said causing me to sigh, "Why do you want to join the UR?" Darius butted in causing me to huff and shoot him a glare. "Because humans are our equals and I don't understand how the other Codexians do not understand this, humans first brought us to life," Marvin said with a shake of his head causing me to grin at the complete certianty in his tone. "We'll let's take you to the UR," I said with a grin as we stood up to lead him to Vincent to see if they would be able to join in the first place.

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