Chapter 5 The Plan

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Hey guys hope you like the new chapter! :D (Gosh I feel like I'm repeating myself too often xD)

C H A P T E R  5  :  T H E  P L A N

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After I learned that I had been given Minevira's healers memory I became the new Healer of the UR. Everyone had been astonished to find out that she had given me her memories in my sleep, the trigger word was 'hate.' When Caden unintentionally said it, it opened up my new memory, not to mention I had a pounding headache that no potion or herb could heal. "Um Healer?" a soft voice said softly causing me to turn around to face a little girl around 6 years old. "Yes?" I asked with a warm smiled as I whiped my hands which were covered in herbs.

"Papa is sick," she said softly tears filling her eyes, "Alright what are is symptoms?" I asked crouching down to her level. "Hes burning up and hes vomiting and his head hurts," she choked out causing me to nod and quickly turn to my supplies. With a bag full of different potions and herbs I nodded for the girl to lead the way, when we approached the tent I hurried to the man who was writhing on the bed. Placing my hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat I nodded when it was beating in rhythm and took a sniff of his breath. "Its a common sickness not to worry," I said searching through my bag.

I pulled out a bottle of blood red liquid and a bowl, pouring the red liquid in the bowl I added in two dark green leaves as well as a tiny yellow flower which soon was submerged in the liquid. Mixing it together the blood red liquid soon became clear with no sign of the leaf and the flower causing me to smile to myself. "There, have him drink this and only water for the next two days, he should be fine after that," I said with a smile as I grabbed my bag and headed back to my tent after the thanks of the family. When I entered the tent I was astonished to find the Leader in my tent.

"Yes?" I asked setting down my bag, "Come," he said before leading me to his tent. "We want you with the fighters, can you train or transfer your memory to another person?" He asked crossing his arms as he faced me. "It will be hard, I will need a young girl, not too young, who does not care about blood or anything else that she will encounter," I said causing him to nod and wave his hand for a girl to step out of the shadows. It was Arabella, "Arabella, though she looks young she is 12 and wishes to learn," he said as I gaped at her.

She grinned at me with exposed mischievousness causing me to shake my head and roll my eyes, "Come on Arabella," I said leading her to my tent where I whirled on her with narrow eyes. "I didn't know you knew about the UR," I said a small grin coming onto my face. She rolled her eyes and skipped around the tent, "I knew, I just wasn't really a big help, Swift spent all her time worrying about me so I elected to spend my time up and wait for an opportunity to help," she said with a shrug. "Well I have labels on everything and what their for, I just have to teach you how to use them and little tricks," I said with a shrug as I soon went it to teach Arabella all the tricks I learned from Minevira and some I learned myself.

Later at night I left Arabella in the tent and made my way over to the Leaders tent. When I neared the tent I called out softly to see if I could come it, after receiving a affirmative answer I entered the tent. Darius, Swift, Caden, and a couple of other people were in there surrounding a long table that had a layout of the city. I raised a brow and crossed my arms, "This now a war room?" I asked with a slight grin as I stepped to stand beside Swift. The Leader waved off my sarcastic remark and continued with his plan of attack, I looked down at the map and the marks before brushing the marks off of the table.

"Look, you guys are going for an attack right? Well how about we send in our groups here, some over here, so we can take down the entire city, but thats for later, right now we need to rally the people, Codexians and humans, your thinking ahead of yourself," I said before leaning backwards and crossing my arms. The Leader shook his head as a man spoke up, "Vincent the girl is right," he said causing Leader Vincent to look at him warily before nodding his head in defeat. "Vita, Veto, Darius, and Valerie you go rally Codexians, Swift and Caden go get the humans. When you get back here were training," Vincent said and we set off.

We set off to find the people, I scooped up Veto in my arms as we were at the bottom of the exit/entrance. Darius opened and exited it with Valerie, "You coming?" he asked looking down at me. The only answer he got was me shooting out of the drainage opening and into the sky while Veto clutched to me, I was glad he wasn't screaming his head off. "Meet me in the inner city," I said before flapping my wings so I rose higher and glided to the inner city to keep Veto from having a heart attack. When I reached the inner city I spotted Darius and Valerie motioning me down by waving their arms causing me to tuck my wings into a dive and shot down towards the ground.

When I got close to the ground I snapped out my wings and gracefully backpedaled till I lightly landed on the ground. "We didn't know if you could see us," Darius answered with a shrug when I asked about their frantic waving causing me to roll my eyes and snort. I pryed Veto off me and set him down, half grinning at his face which was a mix of excitement and utter fear as he stuck close to me. Someone walked by with wolf ears and a tail growled at Veto who snuggled into my side; I quickly curled my wings around him and gave the wolf a loud high pitched scream which sent him running, whining, with his tail between his legs.

I snorted and rolled my eyes and continued on into the city to find people who dispised the council as much as we did.





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