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I went up to my room and decided to call Carla. To let her know about everything.

"So now you are gonna live with him for a whole month because of your Grandpa? Sucks."

"I know Carla but I don't want nonno to get sad and for his health to go for the worse, Damiano and I make him happy. We are his only hope."

"Ok Jade, don't get your heart broken again, okay."

"Okay Carla. I got to go, ciao Bella!"


I hung up and decided to dress up and go out tonight. I decided to take a shower and listen to Måneskin's music now that he wasn't here.

I could agree, their songs have improved and they are amazing. The song they are performing at Sanremo is amazing as well and Damiano's voice is just so beautiful and raspy.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me and went back in my room. I searched the clothes I brought and decided to wear this.

 I searched the clothes I brought and decided to wear this

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I curled my hair and put on my makeup.


I was ready with everything because I stayed a little talking to my grandparents about how I will be helping them. Then my nonna just said to enjoy my 20's and not stay around to clean but I still wanted to help. Anyways, I grabbed my car keys and made sure that I had everything I might need in my purse and started the car.

I turned on the radio and zitti e buoni was playing. I turned the volume up and danced. I didn't care the song involved him . The song was amazing.

I decided to call Carla because going out by yourself isn't that fun.

"Hey Carla can we meet in 10 mins at the park?"

"Yeah sure I was actually going to go out so yeah sure."

Then I hung up and went to the park.


We decided to go watch a movie and then head to a bar afterwards. I didn't want the night to end. We were laughing our heads off.

Then as the clock stroke 1am I decided to go. I didn't drink a lot so I drove back home.

I took my heels and made sure to wake up no one. I slowly made my way to my bedroom and I closed the door behind me. All the things that were heard in the Giannini house were snores.

I took off my dress and dressed up in my pjs. Not actual pajamas, just an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

I took off my makeup and went to sleep.

By the time I slept it was already 2am.


My alarm rang and woke me up. Ugh I had forgot to turn off my alarm yesterday. I stretched and yawned and slowly made my way off the bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and headed downstairs.

"Buongiorno amore mio." My nonna greeted me. "Good morning sweetie." My mum told me.

My nonna was cooking. I think my mum wanted to cook but my family is very stubborn so I think my nonna insisted she cooked. "What do you want honey, toast or cereal?"

"I think I'll have some toast. Just with butter though, thanks."

My nonna gave me a plate with two pieces of toast. "If you want anymore just tell me. "Okay nonna."

"So today's Sanremo, I feel excited! And we will see your boyfriend and his friends on tv again." My nonno exclaimed.

I almost choked on my toast this time. "Sorry nonno just choked on my toast, yeah I'm excited to watch them too."

I replied to my grandpa.


I basically spent the whole day watching movies with my family, cuddled up. But then I decided to call Victoria to tell them good luck and she appreciated it a lot.


I went to shower. My nonno rushed us all to go shower early so we could watch Sanremo from the very beginning. Damn he was a fan.

After I showered I put on a shirt and some Jean shorts to look cute and headed downstairs so we could watch Sanremo. 

My nonna and my mother made a little party with food and snacks like sandwiches, sausages and crisps.

We all gathered on the sofa and watched the Sanremo.


It was their turn, I was excited for them. I felt a knot tie around my stomach as they sang. The song was beautiful.

"Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro."

I understood the song as I spoke and understood Italian. I could admit it was most likely to win, it was the best.

We all laughed and saw the other performances but nonno didn't join. He saw all the other performances without any talking. Nonno was into it.


It was time for the results. I was very nervous. I wanted them to win. They could either get second or first place.

"The winner of Sanremo 2021 is.... Måneskin!!" The host shouted. We all shouted and jumped happily.

They had won!

Toxic - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now